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Chuanzhi Podcast PHP-XML video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1Introduction to XML

xml introduction

29 minutes28 seconds

xml syntax specification

22 minutes38 seconds
Chapter2Ad-free videos.

Ad-free video introduction

27 minutes52 seconds

Ad-free video acquisition implementation

28 minutes15 seconds

Analysis of ad-free video dom mode

25 minutes28 seconds
Chapter3DOM parsing xml

DOM parsing xml (1)

DOM parsing xml (2)

DOM parsing xml (3)

DOM obtains various nodes of xml

Chapter4DOM create xml

DOM creates xml document

15 minutes37 seconds

DOM creates xml attribute node information

DOM creates CDATA node information of xml

Chapter5DOM manipulation

DOM operations - deletion and replacement of nodes

DOM operation-create xml interface to obtain the latest products

Chapter6Review of the previous day

Yesterday’s content review

Yesterday’s homework summary

Chapter7Introduction to RSS

Introduction to RSS

RSS production

Two ways to achieve online word translation

Xpath quickly locates nodes

Chapter8Introduction to DTD

DTD introduction and simple examples

DTD constraint tool production

DTD constrains elements

DTD constrains elements (2)

DTD attribute type constraints

DTD attribute characteristics constraints

DTD entity usage

simplexml processes xml documents

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