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Black Horse Cloud Classroom NoSQL Redis Technology Video Tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1redis technology

Introduction to redis

12 minutes01 seconds
Chapter2Installation of redis

windows installation redis software

12 minutes44 seconds

Install redis software on Linux

20 minutes00 seconds

Linux installation redis software-continued

02 minutes52 seconds
Chapter3redis data type

string type

16 minutes22 seconds

hash type

05 minutes30 seconds

list type

18 minutes04 seconds

set type

09 minutes05 seconds

set type-continued

12 minutes39 seconds

zset type

08 minutes15 seconds
Chapter4php operation redis

php operation redis (Windows and Linux)

20 minutes00 seconds

PHP operation redis - continued

02 minutes52 seconds
Chapter5Security issues of redis

redis security certification

07 minutes48 seconds
Chapter6The persistence function of redis

Snapshot-based persistence operations

13 minutes23 seconds

Append persistence operations based on file

08 minutes40 seconds
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