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JavaScript advanced framework design video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1Overall introduction to framework design

Introduction to frame design

14 minutes00 seconds
Chapter2selector engine

Selector Engine-1-Traditional method of obtaining elements

03 minutes27 seconds

Selector Engine-2-Functionalization

17 minutes08 seconds

selector engine-3-optimize each-1

04 minutes01 seconds

selector engine-4-optimize each-2

14 minutes13 seconds
Chapter3About frame design

Use optimized get and each to set styles

19 minutes17 seconds

Add container parameters to the get method

07 minutes42 seconds

Design the get method to achieve the acquisition of basic selector elements

20 minutes02 seconds

Detection of byclassName method and efficiency upgrade

21 minutes46 seconds

Implement a complete capability testing method

18 minutes39 seconds

Implementation of getClass method

24 minutes20 seconds

Handle push compatibility in IE

10 minutes19 seconds

Extension - Ideas for optimizing push

05 minutes11 seconds

Integrate js functions

12 minutes08 seconds

Implement the search for elements under a certain DOM object

17 minutes15 seconds

Assume the context is a dom array

Handle the case where the context parameter is a string

Chapter4selector module

Analyze compound selector structure

Implement a combined selector

11 minutes37 seconds

Handling descendant element selectors - ideas

Handling descendant element selectors - implementation and verification

Chapter5Thought summary

Summary of ideas-pseudocode and simplified writing methods

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