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Han Shunping's latest div css basic video tutorial in 2016

Introduction >
Chapter1The opening chapter

The opening chapter

29 minutes28 seconds
Chapter2Quick start

Quick start

22 minutes35 seconds

class selector

12 minutes35 seconds

id selector

09 minutes16 seconds

HTML selector

26 minutes51 seconds

Pseudo class selector

Selector exercise

wildcard selector

Multiple element selector

descendant selector

Child element selector

Child element selector

Selector details(1)

Selector details(2)

Selector details(3)

19 minutes12 seconds

Selector details(4)

div plus css exercises (1)

div plus css exercises (2)

Chapter4CSS basics

How to use CSS styles (inline, embedded and external)

16 minutes39 seconds

How to use CSS styles (introduction)

CSS font properties

CSS text properties

CSS background properties

CSS background property supplement

CSS border properties

CSS list properties

CSS table properties

Browser compatibility tips

block elements and row elements

17 minutes42 seconds
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