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MySQLi extension library video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1MySQLi installation and download

MySQLi extension advantages and introduction

03 minutes21 seconds

Installation and configuration of MySQLi extension

06 minutes17 seconds

Course Introduction

01 minutes34 seconds
Chapter2MySQLi based on object-oriented programming (1)

MySQLi uses parsing

19 minutes34 seconds

MySQLi implements insert record operation

08 minutes59 seconds

MySQLi implements insert record operation

01 minutes37 seconds

MySQLi implements delete record operation

04 minutes54 seconds

MySQLi implements query record operations

14 minutes17 seconds

Case - Implementing user list

06 minutes11 seconds

User management: add users

12 minutes59 seconds

User management: delete users

03 minutes27 seconds

User Management Edit User

06 minutes00 seconds
Chapter3MySQLi based on object-oriented programming (2)

MySQLi for the execution of multiple SQL statements

14 minutes12 seconds

Using prepared statements to perform insert operations in MySQLi

04 minutes49 seconds

Use prepared statements in MySQLi to prevent SQL injection

07 minutes34 seconds

Using prepared statements to perform query operations in MySQLi

03 minutes58 seconds

Transaction processing in MySQLi

06 minutes37 seconds
Chapter4Implementing a refresh-free comment system based on MySQLi

Comment system effect demonstration

02 minutes16 seconds

Form input filtering

13 minutes27 seconds

Form data processing

04 minutes00 seconds

Display comment content without refreshing

13 minutes12 seconds
Chapter5MySQLi is based on process-oriented programming

MySQLi process example demonstration for adding data

06 minutes15 seconds

MySQLi process-oriented example demonstration of updating and deleting data

05 minutes37 seconds

MySQLi query data for process example demonstration

04 minutes21 seconds
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