The real power of php lies in its functions. In php, it provides more than 1,000 built-in functions. To view the complete php built-in functions, please refer to the php manual. This chapter will tell you how to Create a function in php, The function is executed by calling
Create function:
function msg(){
Execution code
Function to be called
Note:The function name should reflect its function. The function name starts with a letter or underscore and cannot start with a number
<?php function name(){ echo "my name is mengyi"; } echo "hi ,"; name(); //调用函数 ?>
In order to add more functions to the function, we can add parameters to the function
For example, in the above example: there are brackets after the function name, in which we can add parameters. The parameters are similar to variables
<?php header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");//设置编码 function msg($cnt,$url){ echo "<script>alert('$cnt')</script>"; //弹出窗口 echo "<script>location.href='$url'</script>"; //跳转到那个页面 } msg("大家好",''); ?>
Note: When the msg function is called , will pass "Hello everyone" and the address of to the function, first pop up Hello everyone, and then jump to the page
Return value of php function
If you need the function to return a value, please use the return statement
<?php function add($x,$y){ $total=$x+$y; return $total; } echo "1 + 16 = " . add(1,16); ?>