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Chuanzhi Podcast Swift basic video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1Swift basics (1)

Course Introduction

05 minutes08 seconds

Introduction to Swift

38 minutes47 seconds

Playground experience

11 minutes28 seconds

Variables & Constants

13 minutes25 seconds

if branch and trinity

08 minutes37 seconds


09 minutes49 seconds

if let and operator symbols

12 minutes33 seconds

Unpacking Supplement

06 minutes33 seconds

switch branch walkthrough

07 minutes47 seconds

String traversal, concatenation and formatting

Range of NSString

06 minutes40 seconds

for loop

07 minutes25 seconds

Array operations

Dictionary operations

Function definition and external parameters

closure definition

14 minutes20 seconds

gcd closure walkthrough, simplification, and trailing closures

09 minutes26 seconds

Closure asynchronously executes callback parameters

07 minutes47 seconds

Closure return value walkthrough

Introduction to the constructor of custom views

11 minutes45 seconds

Label scroll view refactoring

05 minutes30 seconds

Course summary

ATS settings

Chapter2Swift basics (2)

Course summary

Constructor basics

15 minutes19 seconds

Subclass constructor execution & namespace introduction

08 minutes36 seconds

Optional properties and overloaded constructors

15 minutes30 seconds

KVC sets initial value

10 minutes06 seconds

KVC of subclasses no longer needs to override methods

03 minutes36 seconds

Exploring the principles of KVC setting properties

14 minutes39 seconds

Traverse constructor

22 minutes36 seconds

Destructor & Construction Summary

09 minutes07 seconds

getter and setter for reference

07 minutes00 seconds

How to write lazy loading

10 minutes17 seconds

didSet&read-only property

11 minutes22 seconds

get only and lazy loading supplement

06 minutes00 seconds

Closure circular reference

18 minutes35 seconds

Release a closure circular reference

13 minutes22 seconds

OC network access

07 minutes27 seconds

swift json deserialization and try catch

19 minutes37 seconds
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