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Chuanzhi Podcast iOS-UI basic video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1IOS-UI basic knowledge (1)

Pre-school instructions

14 minutes38 seconds

Introduction to the basic directory of ios projects in Xcode

25 minutes07 seconds

Introduction to parent-child controls and controllers

23 minutes24 seconds

Get and manipulate button properties and

23 minutes04 seconds

Show the number on the right and exit the keyboard

15 minutes46 seconds

Introduction to basic controls

22 minutes13 seconds

Introduction to the properties of basic controls

16 minutes28 seconds

Introduction to the frame attribute and the basic attributes of buttons

17 minutes50 seconds

Construction of the basic interface for moving pictures

13 minutes03 seconds

Implementation of button click function in image moving example

18 minutes36 seconds

Solution to the bug where pictures cannot be zoomed in or out

10 minutes48 seconds

Preliminary optimization of image moving code

20 minutes14 seconds

Implementation of the code optimization function for image movement

16 minutes54 seconds

Use of center and bounds

17 minutes04 seconds

QQ login homework (review)

Basic introduction to the viewDidload method and setting button attributes using code

18 minutes17 seconds

Using code to listen for button clicks and a basic introduction to image browsers

16 minutes19 seconds

Implementation of basic functions of image browser

22 minutes02 seconds

Controlling the click button state of the image browser and optimizing the code

Basic use of dictionaries in image browsers

Basic understanding and creation of models

19 minutes24 seconds

Preliminary understanding of dictionary conversion model

08 minutes52 seconds

Introduction to sequence frame animation

20 minutes17 seconds

Implementation of playing animation

15 minutes28 seconds

Introduction to plist files and lazy loading

Play sound effects

28 minutes02 seconds

Tom cat memory analysis

19 minutes08 seconds


20 minutes42 seconds
Chapter2IOS-UI basic knowledge (2)

Construction of basic application management interface

17 minutes33 seconds

Analysis of the Jiugongge Algorithm for Application Management

21 minutes34 seconds

Add small controls

20 minutes31 seconds

Set data for each control

Model extraction and basic understanding of xib

19 minutes27 seconds

Get the Xib neutron control and assign data

11 minutes31 seconds

Encapsulate the data inside the xib settings

21 minutes09 seconds

Review of Jiugongge algorithm and model extraction

19 minutes29 seconds

A review of the details of view dependencies on models

16 minutes36 seconds

Setting of label when application management download button is clicked

Button click business and detail processing

Application management mvc mode layering

13 minutes55 seconds

Introduction to documentation comments and bundle related paths

Plug-in supplement

13 minutes11 seconds

Analysis of the picture guessing interface

Construction of picture guessing interface

13 minutes33 seconds

Implementation of the next question function

19 minutes35 seconds

Implementation of big picture function

Click image business logic processing

Add button with options

Add answer button

Guessing business logic processing review

Implementation of the click function of the option button

13 minutes57 seconds

Business logic processing for automatically jumping to the next question function

12 minutes41 seconds

Function implementation of answer button click

11 minutes54 seconds

Whether the answer is correct business logic processing

Code extraction and bug fixing

14 minutes46 seconds

Implementation of prompt function

Implementation of prompt function

Introduction to startup image styles and types

Set the application startup image and icon

Preliminary understanding of kvc

In-depth understanding and use of kvo

Chapter3IOS-UI basic knowledge (3)

Introduction to Xcode paths

09 minutes57 seconds

Introduction to the scrolling range properties of scrollView

16 minutes49 seconds

Introduction to other properties of scrollView

27 minutes37 seconds

Initial understanding of agents

18 minutes49 seconds

Understanding the use of agents in scrollView

20 minutes36 seconds

Add pictures to picture carousel

20 minutes18 seconds

Implementation of the image carousel scrolling function

23 minutes07 seconds

Preliminary use of picture carousel timer

18 minutes33 seconds

Solution to image carousel bug

21 minutes54 seconds

Construction of the basic interface of Himalaya

19 minutes55 seconds

Improvement of the construction function of Himalaya’s basic interface

handwriting agent

13 minutes00 seconds

Use of agents in alertView

14 minutes30 seconds

Another approach to application management

Use of proxy when clicking download button in application management

Basic understanding of tableView

18 minutes06 seconds

Analysis of tableView data display

19 minutes14 seconds

Basic understanding of car display

39 minutes32 seconds

Optimization of car display code

24 minutes18 seconds

Basic display of a single set of data

45 minutes08 seconds

How to write cell reuse identifier

04 minutes45 seconds

Analysis of cell reuse

26 minutes09 seconds

Cell and tableView properties

29 minutes30 seconds

Car display (model nested model)

17 minutes09 seconds

Model nested model

33 minutes00 seconds

Display data in pop-up box

41 minutes55 seconds

Click the monitor pop-up button to change the name


Chapter4IOS-UI basic knowledge (4)

Implementation of tg data source method and implementation of model

21 minutes00 seconds

Basic construction of tg interface

xib package

Basic use of xib

20 minutes58 seconds

Construction of interface for loading more data

Implementation of the function of loading more data

Use of proxies in loading functions

Introduction to the method of awakeFromXib

Add child controls to custom button using code

Calculate the frame of each control

Extraction of frame model

Review (1)

26 minutes55 seconds

Basic interface construction and adding sub-controls

Calculation of rame of QQ chat sub-control

Calculation of cell height of QQ chat sub-control and summary of steps

Display chat data and set related properties

Set the background image of the text

Set the stretching method of bubbles

Notification object creation

Sending and receiving notification information

Keyboard frame processing

21 minutes30 seconds

Improvement of keyboard processing and textFeild attributes

Implementation of automatic reply function

Respond to the message

Review (2)

12 minutes22 seconds
Chapter5IOS-UI basic knowledge (5)

static cell

20 minutes52 seconds

Nesting of models

24 minutes53 seconds

Preliminary analysis and use of tableViewHeadView

21 minutes37 seconds

Use of custom tableViewHeadView

Set the data of the headView widget

Set the rotation of small pictures in buttons

Improvement of image rotation and code extraction

Small picture rotation

Introduction to reading Cell in storyBoard

Application management data reuse issues

Code encapsulation and extraction

Understanding and using classification

Review (1)

Basic understanding of autoReszing

Code to implement autoReszing

Basic understanding of autoLayout

14 minutes56 seconds

Description of screen adaptation examples

Show multiple views

Use code to set up autolayout perfection

Implement autolayout with code

17 minutes44 seconds

Use of masontry

36 minutes59 seconds

Basic understanding of sizeClass

autolayout implements animation

29 minutes43 seconds

Autolayout implements Weibo

29 minutes43 seconds

UI controls are modified with weak

05 minutes42 seconds

Review (2)

09 minutes24 seconds
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