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How to kill a (Fire)fox – en

2018年04月18日 16:54:49775浏览

1. Debug Environment


Windows 10


SHA1: 294460F0287BCF5601193DCA0A90DB8FE740487C


SHA1: E93D1E5AF21EB90DC8804F0503483F39D5B184A9

2. Patch Infomation

The issue in Mozilla’s Bugzilla is Bug 1446062.
The vulnerability used in pwn2own 2018 is assigned with CVE-2018-5146.
From the Mozilla security advisory, we can see this vulnerability came from libvorbis – a third-party media library. In next section, I will introduce some base information of this library.

3. Ogg and Vorbis

3.1. Ogg

Ogg is a free, open container format maintained by the Xiph.Org Foundation.
One “Ogg file” consist of some “Ogg Page” and one “Ogg Page” contains one Ogg Header and one Segment Table.
The structure of Ogg Page can be illustrate as follow picture.

Pic.1 Ogg Page Structure

3.2. Vorbis

Vorbis is a free and open-source software project headed by the Xiph.Org Foundation.
In a Ogg file, data relative to Vorbis will be encapsulated into Segment Table inside of Ogg Page.
One MIT document show the process of encapsulation.

3.2.1. Vorbis Header

In Vorbis, there are three kinds of Vorbis Header. For one Vorbis bitstream, all three kinds of Vorbis header shound been set. And those Header are:

Vorbis Identification Header
Basically define Ogg bitstream is in Vorbis format. And it contains some information such as Vorbis version, basic audio information relative to this bitstream, include number of channel, bitrate.

Vorbis Comment Header
Basically contains some user define comment, such as Vendor infomation。

Vorbis Setup Header
Basically contains information use to setup codec, such as complete VQ and Huffman codebooks used in decode.

3.2.2. Vorbis Identification Header

Vorbis Identification Header structure can be illustrated as follow:

Pic.2 Vorbis Identification Header Structure

3.2.3. Vorbis Setup Header

Vorbis Setup Heade Structure is more complicate than other headers, it contain some substructure, such as codebooks.
After “vorbis” there was the number of CodeBooks, and following with CodeBook Objcet corresponding to the number. And next was TimeBackends, FloorBackends, ResiduesBackends, MapBackends, Modes.
Vorbis Setup Header Structure can be roughly illustrated as follow:

Pic.3 Vorbis Setup Header Structure Vorbis CodeBook

As in Vorbis spec, a CodeBook structure can be represent as follow:

byte 0: [ 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 ] (0x42)
byte 1: [ 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 ] (0x43)
byte 2: [ 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 ] (0x56)
byte 3: [ X X X X X X X X ]
byte 4: [ X X X X X X X X ] [codebook_dimensions] (16 bit unsigned)
byte 5: [ X X X X X X X X ]
byte 6: [ X X X X X X X X ]
byte 7: [ X X X X X X X X ] [codebook_entries] (24 bit unsigned)
byte 8: [ X ] [ordered] (1 bit)
byte 8: [ X 1 ] [sparse] flag (1 bit)

After the header, there was a length_table array which length equal to codebook_entries. Element of this array can be 5 bit or 6 bit long, base on the flag.
Following as VQ-relative structure:

[codebook_lookup_type] 4 bits
[codebook_minimum_value] 32 bits
[codebook_delta_value] 32 bits
[codebook_value_bits] 4 bits and plus one
[codebook_sequence_p] 1 bits

Finally was a VQ-table array with length equal to codebook_dimensions * codebook_entrue,element length Corresponding to codebood_value_bits.
Codebook_minimum_value and codebook_delta_value will be represent in float type, but for support different platform, Vorbis spec define a internal represent format of “float”, then using system math function to bake it into system float type. In Windows, it will be turn into double first than float.
All of above build a CodeBook structure. Vorbis Time

In nowadays Vorbis spec, this data structure is nothing but a placeholder, all of it data should be zero. Vorbis Floor

In recent Vorbis spec, there were two different FloorBackend structure, but it will do nothing relative to vulnerability. So we just skip this data structure. Vorbis Residue

In recent Vorbis spec, there were three kinds of ResidueBackend, different structure will call different decode function in decode process. It’s structure can be presented as follow:

[residue_begin] 24 bits
[residue_end] 24 bits
[residue_partition_size] 24 bits and plus one
[residue_classifications] = 6 bits and plus one
[residue_classbook] 8 bits

The residue_classbook define which CodeBook will be used when decode this ResidueBackend.
MapBackend and Mode dose not have influence to exploit so we skip them too.

4. Patch analysis

4.1. Patched Function

From blog of ZDI, we can see vulnerability inside following function:

/* decode vector / dim granularity gaurding is done in the upper layer */
long vorbis_book_decodev_add(codebook *book, float *a, oggpack_buffer *b, int n)
if (book->used_entries > 0)
int i, j, entry;
float *t;

if (book->dim > 8)
for (i = 0; i < n;) {
entry = decode_packed_entry_number(book, b);
if (entry == -1) return (-1);
t = book->valuelist + entry * book->dim;
for (j = 0; j < book->dim;)
a[i++] += t[j++];
// blablabla
return (0);

Inside first if branch, there was a nested loop. Inside loop use a variable “book->dim” without check to stop loop, but it also change a variable “i” come from outer loop. So if ”book->dim > n”, “a[i++] += t[j++]” will lead to a out-of-bound-write security issue.

In this function, “a” was one of the arguments, and t was calculate from “book->valuelist”.

4.2. Buffer – a

After read some source , I found “a” was initialization in below code:

    /* alloc pcm passback storage */

The “vb->pcm[i]” will be pass into vulnerable function as “a”, and it’s memory chunk was alloc by _vorbis_block_alloc with size equal to vb->pcmend*sizeof(*vb->pcm[i]).
And vb->pcmend come from ci->blocksizes[vb->W], ci->blocksizes was defined in Vorbis Identification Header.
So we can control the size of memory chunk alloc for “a”.
Digging deep into _vorbis_block_alloc, we can found this call chain _vorbis_block_alloc -> _ogg_malloc -> CountingMalloc::Malloc -> arena_t::Malloc, so the memory chunk of “a” was lie on mozJemalloc heap.

4.3. Buffer – t

After read some source code , I found book->valuelist get its value from here:


And the logic of _book_unquantize can be show as follow:

float *_book_unquantize(const static_codebook *b, int n, int *sparsemap)
long j, k, count = 0;
if (b->maptype == 1 || b->maptype == 2)
int quantvals;
float mindel = _float32_unpack(b->q_min);
float delta = _float32_unpack(b->q_delta);
float *r = _ogg_calloc(n * b->dim, sizeof(*r));

switch (b->maptype)
case 1:


// do some math work

case 2:

float val=b->quantlist[j*b->dim+k];

// do some math work


return (r);
return (NULL);

So book->valuelist was the data decode from corresponding CodeBook’s VQ data.
It was lie on mozJemalloc heap too.

4.4. Cola Time

So now we can see, when the vulnerability was triggered:


lie on mozJemalloc heap;

size controllable.


lie on mozJemalloc heap too;

content controllable.


content controllable.

Combine all thing above, we can do a write operation in mozJemalloc heap with a controllable offset and content.
But what about size controllable? Can this work for our exploit? Let’s see how mozJemalloc work.

5. mozJemalloc

mozJemalloc is a heap manager Mozilla develop base on Jemalloc.
Following was some global variables can show you some information about mozJemalloc.








In mozJemalloc, memory will be divide into Chunks, and those chunk will be attach to different Arena. Arena will manage chunk. User alloc memory chunk must be inside one of the chunks. In mozJemalloc, we call user alloc memory chunk as region.
And Chunk will be divide into run with different size.Each run will bookkeeping region status inside it through a bitmap structure.

5.1. Arena

In mozJemalloc, each Arena will be assigned with a id. When allocator need to alloc a memory chunk, it can use id to get corresponding Arena.
There was a structure call mBin inside Arena. It was a array, each element of it wat a arena_bin_t object, and this object manage all same size memory chunk in this Arena. Memory chunk size from 0x10 to 0x800 will be managed by mBin.
Run used by mBin can not be guarantee to be contiguous, so mBin using a red-black-tree to manage Run.

5.2. Run

The first one region inside a Run will be use to save Run manage information, and rest of the region can be use when alloc. All region in same Run have same size.
When alloc region from a Run, it will return first No-in-use region close to Run header.

5.3. Arena Partition

This now code branch in mozilla-central, all JavaScript memory alloc or free will pass moz_arena_ prefix function. And this function will only use Arena which id was 1.
In mozJemalloc, Arena can be a PrivateArena or not a PrivateArena. Arena with id 1 will be a PrivateArena. So it means that ogg buffer will not be in the same Arena with JavaScript Object.
In this situation, we can say that JavaScript Arena was isolated with other Arenas.
But in vulnerable Windows Firefox 59.0 does not have a PrivateArena, so that we can using JavaScript Object to perform a Heap feng shui to run a exploit.
First I was debug in a Linux opt+debug build Firefox, as Arena partition, it was hard to found a way to write a exploit, so far I can only get a info leak situation in Linux.

6. Exploit

In the section, I will show how to build a exploit base on this vulnerability.

6.1. Build Ogg file

First of all, we need to build a ogg file which can trigger this vulnerability, some of PoC ogg file data as follow:

Pic.4 PoC Ogg file partial data
We can see codebook->dim equal to 0x48。

6.2. Heap Spary

First we alloc a lot JavaScript avrray, it will exhaust all useable memory region in mBin, and therefore mozJemalloc have to map new memory and divide it into Run for mBin.
Then we interleaved free those array, therefore there will be many hole inside mBin, but as we can never know the original layout of mBin, and there can be other object or thread using mBin when we free array, the hole may not be interleaved.
If the hole is not interleaved, our ogg buffer may be malloc in a contiguous hole, in this situation, we can not control too much off data.
So to avoid above situation, after interleaved free, we should do some compensate to mBin so that we can malloc ogg buffer in a hole before a array.

6.3. Modify Array Length

After Heap Spary,we can use _ogg_malloc to malloc region in mozJemalloc heap.
So we can force a memory layout as follow:

|———————contiguous memory —————————|
[ hole ][ Array ][ ogg_malloc_buffer ][ Array ][ hole ]

And we trigger a out-of-bound write operation, we can modify one of the array’s length. So that we have a array object in mozJemalloc which can read out-of-bound.
Then we alloc many ArrayBuffer Object in mozJemalloc. Memory layout turn into following situation:

|——————————-contiguous memory —————————|
[ Array_length_modified ][ something ] … [ something ][ ArrayBuffer_contents ]

In this situation, we can use Array_length_modified to read/write ArrayBuffer_contents.
Finally memory will like this:

|——————————-contiguous memory —————————|
[ Array_length_modified ][ something ] … [ something ][ ArrayBuffer_contents_modified ]

6.4. Cola time again

Now we control those object and we can do:


Out-of-bound write

Out-of-bound read


In-bound write

In-bound read

If we try to leak memory data from Array_length_modified, due to SpiderMonkey use tagged value, we will read “NaN” from memory.
But if we use Array_length_modified to write something in ArrayBuffer_contents_modified, and read it from ArrayBuffer_contents_modified. We can leak pointer of Javascript Object from memory.

6.5. Fake JSObject

We can fake a JSObject on memory by leak some pointer and write it into JavasScript Object. And we can write to a address through this Fake Object. (turn off baselineJIT will help you to see what is going on and following contents will base on baselineJIT disable)

Pic.5 Fake JavaScript Object

If we alloc two arraybuffer with same size, they will in contiguous memory inside JS::Nursery heap. Memory layout will be like follow

|———————contiguous memory —————————|
[ ArrayBuffer_1 ]
[ ArrayBuffer_2 ]

And we can change first arraybuffer’s metadata to make SpiderMonkey think it cover second arraybuffer by use fake object trick.

|———————contiguous memory —————————|
[ ArrayBuffer_1 ]
[ ArrayBuffer_2 ]

We can read/write to arbitrarily memory now.
After this, all you need was a ROP chain to get Firefox to your shellcode.

6.6. Pop Calc?

Finally we achieve our shellcode, process context as follow:

Pic.6 achieve shellcode
Corresponding memory chunk information as follow:

Pic.7 memory address information

But Firefox release have enable Sandbox as default, so if you try to pop calc through CreateProcess, Sandbox will block it.

7. Relative code and works

Firefox Source Code

OR’LYEH? The Shadow over Firefox by argp

Exploiting the jemalloc Memory Allocator: Owning Firefox’s Heap by argp,haku


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