1. CURD中常用操作
// mysql插入数据方法
insert yuangong(name,gender,salary,email,birthday)
alter table yuangong add age int unsigned not null default 0 comment '年龄' after gender;
delete from yuangong where yid = 4;
truncate yuangong;
drop table yuangong;
update yuangong set age = timestampdiff(year,birthday,now());
update yuangong set gender = 'female' where name = '张三';
alter table yuangong auto_increment = 4;
select database();
select version();
select now();
select name,gender,age,salary from yuangong where age > 35;
select name,gender,age,salary from yuangong where age between 34 and 37;
//聚合函数 max() min() sum() avg() count()
select gender as '性别',count(gender) as '数量' from yuangong group by gender;
select gender as '性别',count(gender) as '数量' from yuangong group by gender having gender = 'male';
select name,gender,age,salary from yuangong order by age asc;
//分页查询 偏移量 =(page - 1)*10
select name,gender,age,salary from yuangong limit 10 offset 0;
select name,gender,age,salary from yuangong limit 10 offset 10;
select name,gender,age,salary from yuangong limit 10 offset 20;
select * from yuangong where age = (select max(age) from yuangong);
//集合查询 in
select * from yuangong where yid in(1,3);
//模糊查询 like
select * from yuangong where name like '张%';
select * from yuangong where name like '_五%';
//is null(空值) is not null(非空值)
select * from yuangong where name is not null;
//通过多列数据过滤 and
select * from yuangong where age >35 and gender = 'female';
//匹配任意条件的数据 or
select * from yuangong where age = 35 or age = 37;
select name,gender,age,salary
from yuangong join gongsi
where cid = 1
select name,gender,age,salary
from yuangong as y
left join gongsi as g
where y.yid is not null
select name,gender,age,salary
from yuangong as y
right join gongsi as g
where g.gid is not null
select name,gender,age,salary
from yuangong yid join gongsi
2. 预处理原理
prepare stmt from 'select * from yuangong where age >? and gender = ?';
set @age = 35,@gender = 'female';
execute stmt using @age, @gender;