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作业 01

2020年06月13日 10:45:28607浏览

On Deploy a PHP development environment

First of all, install Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

For convenience, we will install fish in replace of the preinstalled default shell (In classical Ubuntu, it should be bash).

As a person without prior development experience, I find bash very hard to use since I cannot autocomplete, inter alia, file name and command, I installed fish for better dev experience.

Installation on Fish

sudo apt install fish
Then run chsh -s /usr/bin/fish which will change the default shell to fish shell we just installed.

Then we commence the actual process of environment buildup, i.e. installation of LAMP.

Installation on Apache

Like always, update the repository list using
sudo apt update
After prompted to enter user passwd, I can be exempted from entering passwd within this session.
Then, start to install Apache
sudo apt install apache2

After installation, I chose to disable ufw firewall for convenience.
Run sudo ufw disable. After that, the terminal should appear a line prompt you that the firewall has been disabled.

Then, we can start to test on whether our server has been started. First of all, start Apache by commanding
start apache2 in Windows Powershell or sudo service apache2 start.

After Apache being successfully started, open http://localhost/index.html to test if it works.

A page should be displayed with the title of

Apache2 Debian Default Page

If you can see that, congratulation! Your Apache server has been successfully deployed.

Since we finished the first step, let’s proceed to our next step, installing mySQL.

Installation of MySQL

MySQL is a database software provide front-end service and PHP information to process.

Type sudo apt install mysql-server in the terminal, after completion, type sudo mysql_secure_installation to eliminate unsecure factors.

After installation, use sudo mysqlto test if it has been install correctly.

Oops, in this time, the terminal throwed me an error with

ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock’ (2)

After checking with StackOverflow, I opened the config file using
sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf
I found out that I have installed MariaDB before, so I have to uninstall the MariaDB.

Using Aptitude to locate the package name of MariaDB, command by sudo aptitude.
And, uninstall MariaDB by sudo apt remove mariadb-common.

Let’s try again.
The issue consists.

Let’s reinstall.
The issue consists. (Sigh)

After two hours of Googling and trying, I decided to give up and install mariadb.

Installation of PHP

Finally, we come to the point where the installation of PHP takes place.
Proceed sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php
to install PHP.

After that, proceed sudo vim /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf
to open the configuration file of Apache server.
Modify the priority of index.php second to DirectoryIndex, save and restart the Apache Server by
sudo systemctl restart apache2
and access

If you see the page of PHP status, congrats again! You’ve finished all necessary steps to avail a dev environment.

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