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2019年04月28日 13:14:581712浏览


man tar



sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/tldr https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raylee/tldr/master/tldr && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/tldr

tldr tar

Archiving utility.

Often combined with a compression method, such as gzip or bzip.

- Create an archive from files:

tar cf target.tar file1 file2 file3

- Create a gzipped archive:

tar czf target.tar.gz file1 file2 file3

- Extract an archive in a target folder:

tar xf source.tar -C folder

- Extract a gzipped archive in the current directory:

tar xzf source.tar.gz

- Extract a bzipped archive in the current directory:

tar xjf source.tar.bz2

- Create a compressed archive, using archive suffix to determine the compression program:

tar caf target.tar.xz file1 file2 file3

- List the contents of a tar file:

tar tvf source.tar

- Extract files matching a pattern:

tar xf source.tar --wildcards "*.html"

tldr awk

A versatile programming language for working on files.

- Print the fifth column (a.k.a. field) in a space-separated file:

awk '{print $5}' filename

- Print the second column of the lines containing "something" in a space-separated file:

awk '/something/ {print $2}' filename

- Print the last column of each line in a file, using a comma (instead of space) as a field separator:

awk -F ',' '{print $NF}' filename

- Sum the values in the first column of a file and print the total:

awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}' filename

- Sum the values in the first column and pretty-print the values and then the total:

awk '{s+=$1; print $1} END {print "--------"; print s}' filename

tldr sed

Run replacements based on regular expressions.

- Replace the first occurrence of a string in a file, and print the result:

sed 's/find/replace/' filename

- Replace all occurrences of an extended regular expression in a file:

sed -E 's/regex/replace/g' filename

- Replace all occurrences of a string in a file, overwriting the file (i.e. in-place):

sed -i '' 's/find/replace/g' filename

- Replace only on lines matching the line pattern:

sed '/line_pattern/s/find/replace/' filename

- Apply multiple find-replace expressions to a file:

sed -e 's/find/replace/' -e 's/find/replace/' filename

- Replace separator / by any other character not used in the find or replace patterns, e.g., #:

sed 's#find#replace#' filename








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