Browser information
For website developers, browser information and statistics are very important.
Website Statistics
Statistics and Trends on W3CSchool:
Browser Statistics | What is the most popular browser? |
Operating system statistics | What are the most common operating systems? |
Screen resolution statistics | What are the most common screen resolutions and color depths? |
## Internet Explorer (IE browser)Internet Explorer (IE browser) is a web browser issued by Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft). Released in 1995, it is one of the most popular browsers today. |
##Google Chrome | Google Chrome is an open source free web browser developed by Google. It was released in 2008 and is the most used browser today. |
##Firefox | Firefox is a web browser from Mozilla. It was released in 2004 and is one of the most popular browsers today. |
##Apple Safari (Apple Safari browser) | Safari is a web browser developed by Apple and is the default browser for Mac systems. Safari is known for its stylish design.