You may reapply using the "I do not have a school-issued email" drop-down option to attach supplementary proof of academic affiliation (e.g. a school ID card, transcript, or affiliation/enrollment verification letter.) Make sure your supplementary proof is official and dated.
1。using the "I do not have a school-issued email" drop-down option
请问这个drop-down option在哪里?
2。我需要上传school ID card,没有地方让我传。
仅有的幸福2017-05-02 09:47:50
同学,他是让你在验证学术状态的下拉菜单中选择"I do not have a school-issued email",然后就会出现一个可以上传证件照片的控件,这样你就可以上传了。对了,顺便说一下我之前是用学校的在校证明验证成功的,学生证应该也可以。