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我正在开发一个 WordPress,它利用 gulp 构建应用程序(scss、js)文件的前端。

在我的 functions.php 中,我使用 enqueue 来加载我的 css 和 js,以便它们可以在编辑器中使用。

add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', function() {
   wp_enqueue_style( 'editor-styling', get_theme_file_uri( '/dist/styles/main.css', __FILE__) );
   wp_enqueue_script( 'editor-scripts', get_theme_file_uri( '/dist/scripts/main.js', __FILE__) );

} );

运行一个简单的 gulp 命令我可以执行上述操作,因为该文件将被命名为 main.css。但是,我面临一个问题,当我使用 gulp --product 时,样式和 javascript 会带有随机值后缀。

例如,我的 main.scss 将(一旦我运行上述命令)变成 main-9acd4829.css

我的问题是,如何从文件名类似于 main<whatever>.css 的某个目录获取文件。


get_theme_file_uri(glob('/dist/styles/main*.css'), __FILE__)

但是返回 null

P粉194919082P粉194919082311 天前632


  • P粉885035114

    P粉8850351142024-04-04 10:35:14

    我想你必须在不同的文件夹中检查自己,灵感来自 get_theme_file_uri 的代码,类似这样的内容(请注意 glob 返回一个数组,而 get_theme_file_uri 接受一个字符串):

    add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', function() {
        $style_file = glob(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/dist/styles/main*.css');
        if(!$style_file || !count($style_file)){
            $style_file = glob(get_template_directory_uri() . '/dist/styles/main*.css');
        //NOTE: you can use foreach if your glob returns multiple files and this is what you want
        //NOTE2: in theory you could skip the use of get_theme_file_uri here because you already tested in which folder it is, this is just an example
        if($style_file && count($style_file)){
            wp_enqueue_style( 'editor-styling', get_theme_file_uri( '/dist/styles/' . $style_file[0], __FILE__) );
        $script_file = glob(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/dist/scripts/main*.js');
        if(!$script_file || !count($script_file)){
            $script_file = glob(get_template_directory_uri() . '/dist/scripts/main*.js');
        //NOTE: you can use foreach if your glob returns multiple files and this is what you want
        //NOTE2: in theory you could skip the use of get_theme_file_uri here because you already tested in which folder it is, this is just an example
        if($script_file && count($script_file)){
            wp_enqueue_script( 'editor-scripts', get_theme_file_uri( '/dist/scripts/' . $script_file[0], __FILE__) );
    } );

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