应适当地创建和使用通过 jwt 的令牌,并且用户将所有相关文件上传到 cloudinary。其中个人资料图片存储在 profile_pictures 文件夹中,帖子存储在 user_posts 文件夹中。
上周五测试时,所有这些都有效。然而现在,当我坐下来修复前端的令牌时,突然间我突然无法再注册用户了。所以我去了后端,检查了代码,去了 Postman,测试了路由,它没有填充请求正文。
现在还有更多的问题,例如,文件上传到 cloudinary 也不再起作用,我不知道这是否是由于最近的 API 更新所致,尽管他们的页面上写着“上次更新” 6 月 15 日”,我的最后一次注册和登录测试是在 6 月 16 日星期五,这让我认为如果它有效,那么它现在应该仍然有效。但事实并非如此。
不过,所有这些并不是我提出这个问题并寻求帮助的原因。我已禁用应用程序中所有与文件上传相关的代码,以测试 mongo db atlas 用户对象的创建。
这就是我的问题所在。由于某种超出我知识和理解范围的原因,Postman 不会通过表单数据填充任何内容,即使一切看起来都按顺序进行,内容类型是正确的,要创建的用户对象的字段是正确的。
如果我在 Postman 中使用原始输入,它只会填充它。我已经束手无策了......
// AUTH CONTROLLER: // controller for user signup module.exports.signup = async (req, res, next) => { try { console.log(req.body, "req body"); // retrieve user from db by email provided in request body const foundUser = await User.findOne({ email: req.body.email }); console.log(foundUser, "found user"); // check if foundUser already exists in db if (foundUser) { res.status(409).json({ message: `Email already in use. Please choose another.` }); } // generate salt and hash for the user password const salt = bcrypt.genSaltSync(Number(process.env.SALT_ROUND)); const hash = bcrypt.hashSync(req.body.password, salt); // create a new user object from user model const newUser = new User({ username: req.body.username, name: req.body.name, email: req.body.email, password: hash, //profilePicture: req.file.path }); // console.log(req.file, "req file"); await newUser.save(); // save the new user object to the database // upload the profile picture to cloudinary storage // const result = await cloudinary.uploader.upload(req.file.path, { // public_id: `profile_pictures/${newUser._id}`, // }); //newUser.profilePicture = result.secure_url; //await newUser.save(); // update newUser with the profilePicture URL console.log(newUser, "new user"); // generate a signup token // const token = jwt.sign({ newUserId: newUser._id, newUserName: newUser.username, newUserProfilePicture: newUser.profilePicture }, process.env.JWT_SECRET, { // expiresIn: '5m' // expires in 5 minutes (in case signup was erroneous) // }); // store the token as a cookie // res.cookie('jwt', token, { // httpOnly: true // }); // respond with the newly created user object and the created token res.status(201).json({ message: `User created successfully!`, user: newUser }); } catch (err) { next(err); }; };
// AUTH ROUTE: // import dependencies const express = require('express') const authController = require('../controllers/authController') //const authHandler = require('../middlewares/authHandler') // create new router object const router = express.Router() // import controllers router.post('/signup', authController.signup) //router.post('/login', authController.login) //router.get('/logout', authHandler.checkUser, authController.logout) module.exports = router
// USER MODEL: const mongoose = require("mongoose") const bcrypt = require("bcrypt") const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ email: { type: String, required: true, unique: true }, password: { type: String, required: true }, name: { type: String, required: true }, username: { type: String, unique: true }, //profilePicture: { type: String }, }) // usually you hash/salt inside the appropriate model; like our userModel here. // // but we save the user-object twice for following two reasons: // - the regular data of the user-object gets saved to our mongoDB atlas database. // - and the profile picture gets uploaded and saved in an appropriate folder to cloudinary. // // this triggers the password hash twice, which in return falsifies the user password on login attempt. // therefore we ignore the code snippet below and directly salt and hash in our authController. // // hash and salt user password before saving to database // UserSchema.pre("save", async function (next) { // const salt = await bcrypt.genSalt(); // this.password = await bcrypt.hash(this.password, salt); // next(); // }); // pre-hook for updating password field UserSchema.pre('findOneAndUpdate', function (next) { const update = this.getUpdate() if (update.password) { bcrypt.hash(update.password, Number(process.env.SALT_ROUND), function (err, hash) { if (err) return next(err) update.password = hash next() }) } }) // compare the password entered by the user with the hashed password in the database UserSchema.methods.comparePassword = function (candidatePassword, cb) { bcrypt.compare(candidatePassword, this.password, function (err, isMatch) { if (err) return cb(err) //cb(err) passes errors down to error handler the same way next(err) does cb(null, isMatch) }) } const User = mongoose.model("User", UserSchema) module.exports = User
// SERVER: // import dependencies const cors = require('cors'); const express = require('express'); const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser'); // import routes (modules) const authRoute = require('./routes/authRoute'); const userRoute = require('./routes/userRoute'); const postRoute = require('./routes/postRoute'); const app = express(); // initialize express // import middlewares const { connectMongoDB } = require('./lib/mongoose'); // destruct mongoDB connector const { errorHandler } = require('./middlewares/errorHandler'); // destruct errorHandler // allow requests from specified origins with specific methods const whitelist = [process.env.FRONTEND_URL, 'https://www.arii.me']; // add cors options const corsOptions = { origin: (origin, callback) => { if (whitelist.indexOf(origin) !== -1 || !origin) { callback(null, true); } else { callback(new Error('CORS issues')); }; }, credentials: true, }; // enable cross-origin resource sharing with specified options for the express app app.use(cors(corsOptions)); // parse incoming cookies and make them accessible in req.cookies app.use(cookieParser()); // enable parsing of incoming JSON data in the request body by the express app app.use(express.json()); app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: false })); // define routes app.use('/auth', authRoute); app.use('/users', userRoute); app.use('/posts', postRoute); // define middlewares connectMongoDB(); app.use(errorHandler); // error handler must be last invoked middleware // listen to server app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3003, () => { console.log(`Server up and running at ${process.env.PORT}`); });
// MONGOOSE: // import dependencies const mongoose = require('mongoose'); require('dotenv').config(); // destruct envs const { DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_HOST, DB_NAME } = process.env; // atlas connection string const mongoURI = `mongodb+srv://${DB_USER}:${DB_PASS}@${DB_HOST}/${DB_NAME}?retryWrites=true&w=majority`; // middleware function for handling connections to the mongoDB atlas database module.exports.connectMongoDB = async () =>{ try { await mongoose.connect(mongoURI, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true, }); console.log(`Connected to MongoDB Atlas!`); } catch (err) { console.log(`Couldn't Connect to MongoDB Atlas!`); next(err); } }
抱歉,如果这太多了,但这是所有相关的代码,我失去了理智。 我知道公开 ENV 并不明智,但这只是我自己的一个练习,因此我毫无疑虑地分享 ENV。
// In the auth route I imported multer: const multer = require('multer') const upload = multer() // Then I added a method to the auth route before signup is called: router.post('/signup', upload.none(), authController.signup) // I have also forfeited any file upload during signup // and replaced them with a default image in my cloudinary assets. // Here's the updated userModel profilePicture field: profilePicture: { type: String, default: 'res.cloudinary.com/ddb2abwuu/image/upload/v1687256495/…' }
通过执行这些步骤,它现在可以正确填充请求正文,我也可以使用 Postman 表单数据和在前端再次创建用户。
我强烈怀疑我使用的至少一个包和依赖项有某种 API 更新,这完全把我搞砸了。
P粉0215534602024-04-02 09:20:01
到目前为止,我找到了一个令我难以置信的解决方案:在我的 authRoute 中,我必须显式导入 multer 然后创建
const multer = require('multer') const upload = multer()
router.post('/signup', upload.none(), authController.signup)
我还放弃了注册过程中的任何文件上传,只是手动将默认的个人资料图片添加到我的 cloudinary 资产中,并将其添加到我的用户模型中:
profilePicture: { type: String, default: 'res.cloudinary.com/ddb2abwuu/image/upload/v1687256495/…' }
通过执行这些步骤,它现在可以正确填充请求正文,我也可以使用 Postman 表单数据和在前端再次创建用户。
我强烈怀疑我使用的至少一个包和依赖项有某种 API 更新,这完全把我搞砸了。