我已经写了一个查询。它效果更好。但目前,所有表都有 100K 行,并且我的一个查询返回速度太慢。您能否建议我如何优化查询?
select * from tbl_xray_information X WHERE locationCode = (SELECT t.id from tbl_location t where CODE = '202') AND ( communicate_with_pt is NULL || communicate_with_pt='') AND x.patientID NOT IN (SELECT patientID FROM tbl_gxp_information WHERE center_id = '202') order by insertedON desc LIMIT 2000
请注意此处“病人 ID”是 varchar。
P粉1248907782024-03-31 00:07:43
select * from tbl_xray_information AS X WHERE locationCode = ( SELECT t.id from tbl_location t where CODE = '202' ) AND ( x.communicate_with_pt is NULL OR x.communicate_with_pt = '' ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tbl_gxp_information WHERE x.patientID = patientID AND center_id = '202' ) order by insertedON desc LIMIT 2000
tbl_location: INDEX(CODE) tbl_gxp_information: INDEX(center_id, patientID) -- (either order)
由于 OR
优化不佳,可能最好为 communicate_with_pt
选择 NULL 或空字符串(以避免对两者进行测试)。