我试图为房间管理系统创建一个数据库,但我对这些关系感到困惑,并且在互联网上找不到有用的资源,你能告诉我这个 prisma 脚本是否有问题吗?因为我想在expressJs中控制它并基于它制作一个应用程序
generator client { provider = "prisma-client-js" } datasource db { provider = "mysql" url = env("DATABASE_URL") } model Guest { guestId String @id @default(uuid()) name String phone String @unique() address String? nationality String Reservation Reservation[] @relation("GuestReservation") } model Reservation { reservationId Int @id @default(autoincrement()) checkIn DateTime checkOut DateTime Guest Guest @relation("GuestReservation", fields: [guestId], references: [guestId], onDelete: Cascade) guestId String visitors Int Room Room @relation("RoomReservation", fields: [roomId], references: [roomId], onDelete: Cascade) type ReservationType roomId Int Bill Bill? @relation("BillReservation") } enum ReservationType { Booking Contract Booked Canceled } model Room { roomId Int @id @default(autoincrement()) price Float type Type Reservation Reservation[] @relation("RoomReservation") } enum Type { Single Double Triple } model Bill { invoiceNo String @id @default(uuid()) Reservation Reservation @relation("BillReservation", fields: [reservationId], references: [reservationId], onDelete: Cascade) reservationId Int @unique() roomService Float @default(0) paymentMode Payment Service Service[] } enum Payment { Cash Visa } model Service { serviceId String @id @default(uuid()) type ServiceType name String price Float Bill Bill @relation(fields: [billInvoiceNo], references: [invoiceNo], onDelete: Cascade) billInvoiceNo String } enum ServiceType { Bar Laundry }
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您的架构是有效的,但我建议在为表定义 id 时保持一致性。有些表的id是字符串类型,有些表的id是数字类型。
import {
} from '@prisma/client';
const prisma = new PrismaClient({
log: ['query'],
async function main() {
// Creating a room
await prisma.room.create({
data: {
price: 100,
type: Type.Single,
roomId: 1,
// Creating a guest
await prisma.guest.create({
data: {
name: 'Test',
nationality: 'Indian',
phone: '1234567890',
address: 'Test Address',
guestId: '1',
// Creating a service with a bill and a reservation
await prisma.service.create({
data: {
name: 'test',
price: 100,
type: ServiceType.Bar,
serviceId: '1',
Bill: {
create: {
paymentMode: Payment.Cash,
invoiceNo: '1',
Reservation: {
create: {
checkIn: new Date(),
checkOut: new Date(),
type: ReservationType.Booked,
visitors: 1,
roomId: 1,
guestId: '1',
.catch((e) => {
throw e;
.finally(async () => {
await prisma.$disconnect();
> ts-node index.ts prisma:query BEGIN prisma:query INSERT INTO `white_egret`.`Room` (`roomId`,`price`,`type`) VALUES (?,?,?) prisma:query SELECT `white_egret`.`Room`.`roomId`, `white_egret`.`Room`.`price`, `white_egret`.`Room`.`type` FROM `white_egret`.`Room` WHERE `white_egret`.`Room`.`roomId` = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? prisma:query COMMIT prisma:query BEGIN prisma:query INSERT INTO `white_egret`.`Guest` (`guestId`,`name`,`phone`,`address`,`nationality`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?) prisma:query SELECT `white_egret`.`Guest`.`guestId`, `white_egret`.`Guest`.`name`, `white_egret`.`Guest`.`phone`, `white_egret`.`Guest`.`address`, `white_egret`.`Guest`.`nationality` FROM `white_egret`.`Guest` WHERE `white_egret`.`Guest`.`guestId` = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? prisma:query COMMIT prisma:query BEGIN prisma:query INSERT INTO `white_egret`.`Reservation` (`reservationId`,`checkIn`,`checkOut`,`guestId`,`visitors`,`type`,`roomId`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?) prisma:query INSERT INTO `white_egret`.`Bill` (`invoiceNo`,`reservationId`,`roomService`,`paymentMode`) VALUES (?,?,?,?) prisma:query INSERT INTO `white_egret`.`Service` (`serviceId`,`type`,`name`,`price`,`billInvoiceNo`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?) prisma:query SELECT `white_egret`.`Service`.`serviceId`, `white_egret`.`Service`.`type`, `white_egret`.`Service`.`name`, `white_egret`.`Service`.`price`, `white_egret`.`Service`.`billInvoiceNo` FROM `white_egret`.`Service` WHERE `white_egret`.`Service`.`serviceId` = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ? prisma:query COMMIT