我在基于 Vuejs 的 Web 应用程序中的文本区域中使用版本 5.65.7 的 CodeMirror 插件,一切正常,没有任何问题。我想将占位符添加到我的文本区域,因此我已将相应的占位符文件添加到我的应用程序中,并且可以在我的文本区域中看到占位符。
我想更改占位符的字体颜色并将其居中对齐,因此我尝试对 codemirror 样式进行一些修改,但由于某种原因它根本不起作用。您能告诉我如何更改 CodeMirror 控制的文本区域的字体颜色和居中占位符吗?
我根据我的实际应用程序创建了一个示例项目来演示 CodeSandBox 中的问题。
以下是 CodeSandBox 中也提供的代码示例:
<template> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-5 offset-md-1 mt-5 mr-2 mb-2 pt-2"> <textarea id="jsonEvents" ref="jsonEvents" v-model="jsonEvents" class="form-control" placeholder="Document in JSON format" spellcheck="false" data-gramm="false" /> </div> <div class="col-md-5 offset-md-1 mt-5 mr-2 mb-2 pt-2"> <textarea id="xmlEvents" ref="xmlEvents" v-model="xmlEvents" class="form-control" placeholder="Document in XML format" spellcheck="false" data-gramm="false" /> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> let CodeMirror = null; if (typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof window.navigator !== "undefined") { CodeMirror = require("codemirror"); require("codemirror/mode/xml/xml.js"); require("codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript.js"); require("codemirror/lib/codemirror.css"); require("codemirror/addon/lint/lint.js"); require("codemirror/addon/lint/lint.css"); require("codemirror/addon/lint/javascript-lint.js"); require("codemirror/addon/hint/javascript-hint.js"); require("codemirror/addon/display/placeholder.js"); } export default { name: "Converter", components: {}, data() { return { xmlEvents: "", jsonEvents: "", xmlEditor: null, jsonEditor: null, }; }, mounted() { // Make the XML textarea CodeMirror this.xmlEditor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(this.$refs.xmlEvents, { mode: "application/xml", beautify: { initialBeautify: true, autoBeautify: true }, lineNumbers: true, indentWithTabs: true, autofocus: true, tabSize: 2, gutters: ["CodeMirror-lint-markers"], lint: true, autoCloseBrackets: true, autoCloseTags: true, styleActiveLine: true, styleActiveSelected: true, }); // Set the height for the XML CodeMirror this.xmlEditor.setSize(null, "75vh"); // Make the JSON textarea CodeMirror this.jsonEditor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(this.$refs.jsonEvents, { mode: "applicaton/ld+json", beautify: { initialBeautify: true, autoBeautify: true }, lineNumbers: true, indentWithTabs: true, autofocus: true, tabSize: 2, gutters: ["CodeMirror-lint-markers"], autoCloseBrackets: true, autoCloseTags: true, styleActiveLine: true, styleActiveSelected: true, }); // Set the height for the JSON CodeMirror this.jsonEditor.setSize(null, "75vh"); // Add the border for all the CodeMirror textarea for (const s of document.getElementsByClassName("CodeMirror")) { s.style.border = "1px solid black"; } }, }; </script> <style> textarea { height: 75vh; white-space: nowrap; resize: both; border: 1px solid black; } .cm-editor .cm-placeholder { color: red !important; text-align: center; line-height: 200px; } .CodeMirror-editor pre.CodeMirror-placeholder { color: red !important; text-align: center; line-height: 200px; } .CodeMirror-editor .CodeMirror-placeholder { color: red !important; text-align: center; line-height: 200px; } </style>
P粉7344867182024-03-29 15:54:03
不知何故,我无法在不登录的情况下使用您的codesandbox, 但您可以尝试使用伪类,如下所示:
textarea::placeholder { color: red; }
P粉6383439952024-03-29 13:55:51
如果可能,可以使用 Javascript 来实现此目的 -
let placeholder_el = document.querySelectorAll('pre.CodeMirror-placeholder')[0]; placeholder_el.style['color'] = 'red'; placeholder_el.style['text-align'] = 'center'; placeholder_el.style['line-height'] = '200px';