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代码是否可以在网络抓取中跳过一次迭代? IndexError:弹出索引超出范围

所以我有一个代码,它从 14 页(到目前为止)中删除矿物的名称+价格并将其保存到 .txt 文件中。我首先尝试仅使用 Page1,然后我想添加更多页面以获取更多数据。但随后代码抓取了一些它不应该抓取的东西——随机名称/字符串。我没想到它会抢到那个,但它确实抢到了,并且给这个分配了错误的价格!它发生在具有这种“意外名称”的矿物之后,然后列表中的整个其余部分都有错误的价格。见下图:


cutted2 = split2.pop(1)
IndexError: pop index out of range

我试图忽略这些错误并使用不同 Stackoverflow 页面中使用的方法之一:

   cutted2 = split2.pop(1)
except IndexError:

它确实有效,没有出现错误......但随后它为错误的矿物分配了错误的价格(正如我注意到的)!如何更改代码以忽略这些“奇怪”的名称并继续列表?下面是完整的代码,我记得它停在 URL5 上,并给出了这个弹出索引错误:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
def collecter(URL):
    headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.114 Safari/537.36"}

    soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(URL, headers=headers).text, "lxml")

    names = [n.getText(strip=True) for n in soup.select("table tr td font a")]
    prices = [
        p.getText(strip=True).split("Price:")[-1] for p
        in soup.select("table tr td font font")
    names[:] = [" ".join(n.split()) for n in names if not n.startswith("[")]
    prices[:] = [p for p in prices if p]

    with open("Minerals.txt", "a+", encoding='utf-8') as file:
        for name, price in zip(names, prices):
                # print(f"{name}\n{price}")
                # print("-" * 50)
                filename = str(name)+" "+str(price)+"\n"
                split1 = filename.split(' / ')          
                cutted1 = split1.pop(0)
                split2 = cutted1.split(": ")
                    cutted2 = split2.pop(1)
                except IndexError:
                two_prices = cutted2+" "+split1.pop(0)+"\n"
URL1 = "https://www.fabreminerals.com/search_results.php?LANG=EN&SearchTerms=&submit=Buscar&MineralSpeciment=&Country=&Locality=&PriceRange=&checkbox=enventa&First=0"
URL2 = "https://www.fabreminerals.com/search_results.php?LANG=EN&SearchTerms=&submit=Buscar&MineralSpeciment=&Country=&Locality=&PriceRange=&checkbox=enventa&First=25"
URL3 = "https://www.fabreminerals.com/search_results.php?LANG=EN&SearchTerms=&submit=Buscar&MineralSpeciment=&Country=&Locality=&PriceRange=&checkbox=enventa&First=50"
URL4 = "https://www.fabreminerals.com/search_results.php?LANG=EN&SearchTerms=&submit=Buscar&MineralSpeciment=&Country=&Locality=&PriceRange=&checkbox=enventa&First=75"
URL5 = "https://www.fabreminerals.com/search_results.php?LANG=EN&SearchTerms=&submit=Buscar&MineralSpeciment=&Country=&Locality=&PriceRange=&checkbox=enventa&First=100"
URL6 = "https://www.fabreminerals.com/search_results.php?LANG=EN&SearchTerms=&submit=Buscar&MineralSpeciment=&Country=&Locality=&PriceRange=&checkbox=enventa&First=125"
URL7 = "https://www.fabreminerals.com/search_results.php?LANG=EN&SearchTerms=&submit=Buscar&MineralSpeciment=&Country=&Locality=&PriceRange=&checkbox=enventa&First=150"
URL8 = "https://www.fabreminerals.com/search_results.php?LANG=EN&SearchTerms=&submit=Buscar&MineralSpeciment=&Country=&Locality=&PriceRange=&checkbox=enventa&First=175"
URL9 = "https://www.fabreminerals.com/search_results.php?LANG=EN&SearchTerms=&submit=Buscar&MineralSpeciment=&Country=&Locality=&PriceRange=&checkbox=enventa&First=200"
URL10 = "https://www.fabreminerals.com/search_results.php?LANG=EN&SearchTerms=&submit=Buscar&MineralSpeciment=&Country=&Locality=&PriceRange=&checkbox=enventa&First=225"
URL11 = "https://www.fabreminerals.com/search_results.php?LANG=EN&SearchTerms=&submit=Buscar&MineralSpeciment=&Country=&Locality=&PriceRange=&checkbox=enventa&First=250"
URL12 = "https://www.fabreminerals.com/search_results.php?LANG=EN&SearchTerms=&submit=Buscar&MineralSpeciment=&Country=&Locality=&PriceRange=&checkbox=enventa&First=275"
URL13 = "https://www.fabreminerals.com/search_results.php?LANG=EN&SearchTerms=&submit=Buscar&MineralSpeciment=&Country=&Locality=&PriceRange=&checkbox=enventa&First=300"
URL14 = "https://www.fabreminerals.com/search_results.php?LANG=EN&SearchTerms=&submit=Buscar&MineralSpeciment=&Country=&Locality=&PriceRange=&checkbox=enventa&First=325"



import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
for URL in range(0,2569,25):
    headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.114 Safari/537.36"}

    soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(f'https://www.fabreminerals.com/search_results.php?LANG=EN&SearchTerms=&submit=Buscar&MineralSpeciment=&Country=&Locality=&PriceRange=&checkbox=enventa&First={URL}', headers=headers).text, "lxml")

    names = [n.getText(strip=True) for n in soup.select("table tr td font>a")]

    prices = [p.getText(strip=True).split("Price:")[-1] for p in soup.select("table tr td font>font")]   
    names[:] = [" ".join(n.split()) for n in names if not n.startswith("[") ]
    prices[:] = [p for p in prices if p]

    with open("MineralsList.txt", "a+", encoding='utf-8') as file:
        for name, price in zip(names, prices):
                # print(f"{name}\n{price}")
                # print("-" * 50)
                filename = str(name)+"  "+str(price)+"\n"
                split1 = filename.split(' / ')          
                cutted1 = split1.pop(0)
                split2 = cutted1.split(": ")
                cutted2 = split2.pop(1)
                    two_prices = cutted2+"  "+split1.pop(0)+"\n"
                except IndexError:
                    two_prices = cutted2+"\n"

但是经过一些更改后,它会因新错误而停止 - 它无法通过给定属性找到字符串,因此出现错误“IndexError:从空列表中弹出”...甚至 soup.select("table tr td font>font" ) 提供了帮助,就像它在“名称”中所做的那样

P粉846294303P粉846294303401 天前522


  • P粉391955763

    P粉3919557632024-02-22 14:52:43


    import requests
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    for URL in range(0,100,25):
        headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}
        soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(f'https://www.fabreminerals.com/search_results.php?LANG=EN&SearchTerms=&submit=Buscar&MineralSpeciment=&Country=&Locality=&PriceRange=&checkbox=enventa&First={URL}', headers=headers).text, "lxml")
        names = [ x.get_text(strip=True) for x in soup.select('table tr td font a')][:25]
        prices = [ x.get_text(strip=True) for x in soup.select('table tr td font:nth-child(3)')][:25]
        # with open("Minerals.txt", "a+", encoding='utf-8') as file:
        #     for name, price in zip(names, prices):
        #             # print(f"{name}\n{price}")
        #             # print("-" * 50)
        #             filename = str(name)+" "+str(price)+"\n"
        #             split1 = filename.split(' / ')          
        #             cutted1 = split1.pop(0)
        #             split2 = cutted1.split(": ")
        #             try:
        #                 cutted2 = split2.pop(1)
        #             except IndexError:
        #                 continue
        #             two_prices = cutted2+" "+split1.pop(0)+"\n"
        #             file.write(two_prices)


    ["NX51AH2:\n'lepidolite' after Elbaite with Elbaite", "TH27AL9:\n'Pearceite' with Calcite", "TFM69AN5:\n'Stilbite'", 'SM90CEX:\nAcanthite', 'TMA97AN5:\nAcanthite', 'TB90AE8:\n Acanthite', 'TZ71AK9:\nAcanthite', 'EC63G1:\nAcanthite', 'MN56K9:\nAcanthite', 'TF89AL3:\nAcanthite (Se-bearing) with Polybasite (Se-bearing) and Calcite', 'TP66AJ8:\nAcanthite (Se-bearing) with Pyrite', 'TY86AN2:\nAcanthite after Polybasite', 'TA66AF6:\nAcanthite with Calcite', 'JFD104AO2:\nAcanthite with Calcite', 'TX36AL6:\nAcanthite with Calcite', 'TA48AH1:\nAcanthite with Chalcopyrite', 'EF89L9:\nAcanthite with Pyrite and Calcite', 'TX89AN0:\nAcanthite with Siderite and Proustite', 'EA56K0:\nAcanthite with Silver', 'EC48K0:\nAcanthite with Silver', '11AT12:\nAcanthite, Calcite', '9EF89L9:\nAcanthite, Pyrite, Calcite', 'SM75TDA:\nAdamite', '2M14:\nAdamite', '20MJX66:\nAdamite']
    ['Price:€580 / US8 / ¥84010 / AUD0', 'Price:€220 / US7 / ¥31860 / AUD0', 'Price:€450 / US4 / ¥65180 / AUD0', 'Price:€90 / US / ¥13030 / AUD0', 'Price:€240 / US7 / ¥34760 / AUD0', 'Price:€540 / US7 / 
    ¥78220 / AUD0', 'Price:€580 / US8 / ¥84010 / AUD0', 'Price:€85 / US / ¥12310 / AUD0', 'Price:€155 / US9 / ¥22450 / AUD0', 'Price:€460 / US4 / ¥66630 / AUD0', 'Price:€1500 / US47 / ¥217290 / AUD10', 'Price:€1600 / US51 / ¥231770 / AUD60', 'Price:€160 / US5 / ¥23170 / AUD0', 'Price:€240 / US7 / ¥34760 / AUD0', 'Price:€1200 / US38 / ¥173830 / AUD50', 'Price:€290 / US9 / ¥42000 / AUD0', 'Price:€480 / US5 / ¥69530 / AUD0', 'Price:€4800 / US53 / ¥695320 / AUD00', 'Price:€150 / US4 / ¥21720 / AUD0', 'Price:€290 / US9 / ¥42000 / AUD0', 'Price:€70 / US / ¥10140 / AUD0', 'Price:€320 / US0 / ¥46350 / AUD0', 'Price:€75 / US / ¥10860 / AUD0', 'Price:€90 / US / ¥13030 / AUD0', 'Price:€140 / US4 / ¥20280 / AUD5']
    ['5TD76M9:\nAdamite', 'MA54AE9:\nAdamite (variety Cu-bearing adamite) with Calcite', 'EA11Y6:\nAdamite (variety cuprian)', 'EB14Y6:\nAdamite (variety cuprian)', 'MC11X8:\nAdamite (variety cuprian) with Smithsonite', 'JRM10AN8:\nAegirine', 'MFA46AP3:\nAegirine with Zircon, Orthoclase and Quartz (variety smoky)', 'EM48AF8:\nAlabandite with Calcite', 'MC92T6:\nAlabandite with Calcite and Rhodochrosite', 'TF16AN1:\nAlabandite with Rhodochrosite', 'TX17S1:\nAlabandite with Rhodochrosite', 'TD34S1:\nAlabandite with Rhodochrosite', '10TR46:\nAlmandine', 'HM90EJ:\nAnalcime', 'EFH36AP3:\nAnalcime with Natrolite, Rhodochrosite and Serandite', 'ELR67AP1:\nAnalcime with Quartz', 'EML88AP1:\nAnalcime with Quartz', 'TF87AF4:\nAndorite', 'TR88AJ3:\nAndorite', 'ND56AN0:\nAndorite with Zinkenite', 'SM180NH:\nAndradite (variety demantoid)', 'MT86AL3:\nAndradite (variety demantoid) with Calcite', 'MA27AL7:\nAndradite (variety demantoid) with Calcite', 'TC80TL:\nAndradite (variety topazolite) with Clinochlore', 'TC85TE:\nAndradite (variety topazolite) with Clinochlore']
    ['Price:€180 / US5 / ¥26070 / AUD0', 'Price:€840 / US6 / ¥121680 / AUD90', 'Price:€60 / US / ¥8690 / 
    AUD', 'Price:€90 / US / ¥13030 / AUD0', 'Price:€70 / US / ¥10140 / AUD0', 'Price:€580 / US8 / ¥84010 / AUD0', 'Price:€1600 / US51 / ¥231770 / AUD68', 'Price:€2700 / US86 / ¥391120 / AUD60', 'Price:€740 / US3 / ¥107190 / AUD40', 'Price:€110 / US3 / ¥15930 / AUD0', 'Price:€220 / US7 / ¥31860 / AUD0', 'Price:€920 / US9 / ¥133270 / AUD10', 'Price:€140 / US4 / ¥20280 / AUD0', 'Price:€90 / US / ¥13030 / AUD0', 'Price:€130 / US4 / ¥18830 / AUD0', 'Price:€260 / US8 / ¥37660 / AUD0', 'Price:€380 / US2 / ¥55040 / AUD0', 'Price:€240 / US7 / ¥34760 / AUD0', 'Price:€390 / US2 / ¥56490 / AUD0', 'Price:€150 / US4 / ¥21720 / AUD0', 'Price:€180 / US5 / ¥26070 / AUD0', 'Price:€1600 / US51 / ¥231770 / AUD60', 'Price:€2200 / US70 / ¥318690 / AUD90', 'Price:€80 / US / ¥11580 / AUD0', 'Price:€85 / US / ¥12310 / AUD0']
    ['T29NAK3:\nAndradite (variety topazolite) with Clinochlore', 'TC85TV:\nAndradite (variety topazolite) with Clinochlore', 'T89GH5:\nAndradite (variety topazolite) with Clinochlore', 'TQ94Q0:\nAndradite (variety topazolite) with Stilbite', 'SM140TFV:\nAndradite on Microcline', 'HM140NG:\nAndradite with Calcite', 'GM66R9:\nAndradite with Clinochlore', 'SM70TYW:\nAndradite with Epidote', 'TC290TVH:\nAndradite with Epidote and Microcline', 'TKX11AO7:\nAndradite with Microcline', 'TC2100TEJ:\nAndradite with Microcline', 'TH16AN2:\nAndradite with Microcline', 'TTX66AO7:\nAndradite with Microcline', 'TC2150TJL:\nAndradite with Microcline', 'TQ96AN2:\nAndradite with Microcline', 'TF48AF2:\nAnglesite', 'MA47AL4:\nAnglesite with Galena', 'LQ88AE6:\nAnglesite with Galena', 'ER90AL8:\nAnglesite with Galena', 'TP70AE1:\nAnglesite with Galena', 'N54NAL5:\nAnglesite with Galena', 'GV96R9:\nAnhydrite with Calcite and Pyrite', '11TV99:\nAnhydrite, Calcite', 'MG26AL4:\nAnorthoroselite with Calcite', 'XM260NFF:\nAragonite']
    ['Price:€240 / US7 / ¥34760 / AUD0', 'Price:€85 / US / ¥12310 / AUD0', 'Price:€220 / US7 / ¥31860 / AUD0', 'Price:€980 / US11 / ¥141960 / AUD10', 'Price:€140 / US4 / ¥20280 / AUD0', 'Price:€140 / US4 / ¥20280 / AUD0', 'Price:€160 / US5 / ¥23170 / AUD0', 'Price:€70 / US / ¥10140 / AUD0', 'Price:€90 / US / ¥13030 / AUD0', 'Price:€70 / US / ¥10140 / AUD0', 'Price:€100 / US3 / ¥14480 / AUD0', 'Price:€110 / US3 / ¥15930 / AUD0', 'Price:€140 / US4 / ¥20280 / AUD0', 'Price:€150 / US4 / ¥21720 / AUD0', 'Price:€220 / US7 / ¥31860 / AUD0', 'Price:€380 / US2 / ¥55040 / AUD0', 'Price:€220 / US7 / ¥31860 / AUD0', 'Price:€360 / US1 / ¥52140 / AUD0', 'Price:€540 / US7 / ¥78220 / AUD0', 'Price:€540 / US7 / ¥78220 / AUD0', 'Price:€940 / US9 / ¥136160 / AUD50', 'Price:€220 / US7 / ¥31860 / AUD0', 'Price:€460 / US4 / ¥66630 / AUD0', 'Price:€140 / US4 / ¥20280 / AUD0', 'Price:€60 / US / ¥8690 / AUD'] 
    ['XM295EAR:\nAragonite', 'ETE46AP2:\nAragonite', 'EXM26AP0:\nAragonite', 'EYB26AP0:\nAragonite', 'EXE56AP2:\nAragonite', 'ETF46AP0:\nAragonite', 'XM2160ERF:\nAragonite', 'EXM46AP0:\nAragonite', 'XM2190MEX:\nAragonite', 'XM2780EFT:\nAragonite', 'EHM93AO9:\nAragonite', 'TYB37AO8:\nAragonite (variety Cu-bearing aragonite)', 'SM99AM3:\nAragonite (variety cuprian)', '1M06:\nAragonite (variety flos ferri)', 'TG69AL3:\nAragonite (variety tarnowitzite)', 'MLC96AO2:\nAragonite on Calcite', 'MLE68AO2:\nAragonite on Calcite', 'MTB66AP3:\nAragonite with Quartz (variety hematoide)', 'MXF96AP3:\nAragonite with Quartz (variety hematoide)', 'MRR47AP3:\nAragonite with Quartz (variety hematoide)', 'MTR37AP3:\nAragonite with Quartz (variety hematoide)', 'JFD193AP3:\nArfvedsonite with Microcline', 'TFX76AO7:\nArsenopyrite with Calcite, Pyrite, Sphalerite and Rhodochrosite', 'NB37AL3:\nArsenopyrite with Muscovite', 'HM220NX:\nArsenopyrite with Muscovite']
    ['Price:€95 / US / ¥13760 / AUD6', 'Price:€140 / US4 / ¥20280 / AUD0', 'Price:€140 / US4 / ¥20280 / AUD0', 'Price:€140 / US4 / ¥20280 / AUD0', 'Price:€150 / US4 / ¥21720 / AUD0', 'Price:€150 / US4 / 
    ¥21720 / AUD0', 'Price:€160 / US5 / ¥23170 / AUD6', 'Price:€160 / US5 / ¥23170 / AUD0', 'Price:€190 / US6 / ¥27520 / AUD3', 'Price:€780 / US4 / ¥112990 / AUD03', 'Price:€880 / US8 / ¥127470 / AUD50', 'Price:€240 / US7 / ¥34760 / AUD0', 'Price:€480 / US5 / ¥69530 / AUD0', 'Price:€100 / US3 / ¥14480 / AUD0', 'Price:€460 / US4 / ¥66630 / AUD0', 'Price:€190 / US6 / ¥27520 / AUD0', 'Price:€360 / US1 
    / ¥52140 / AUD0', 'Price:€160 / US5 / ¥23170 / AUD6', 'Price:€190 / US6 / ¥27520 / AUD3', 'Price:€230 / US7 / ¥33310 / AUD4', 'Price:€230 / US7 / ¥33310 / AUD4', 'Price:€240 / US7 / ¥34760 / AUD0', 'Price:€170 / US5 / ¥24620 / AUD0', 'Price:€220 / US7 / ¥31860 / AUD0', 'Price:€220 / US7 / ¥31860 / AUD0']

  • P粉677684876

    P粉6776848762024-02-22 00:54:41

    您只需使 CSS 选择器更加具体,以便仅识别直接位于字体元素内部(而不是向下几层)的链接:

    soup.select("table tr td font>a")


    soup.select("table tr td font>a[href*='CODE']")

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