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这两个表相当大,我的 select 语句有更多我获得的值,但我认为我可以简化这些数据和查询,以便回答我的问题。


SELECT invoice.InvoiceNum, Layer, InvoiceItemNum 
        left outer join InvoiceItem item 
            ON item.InvoiceNum = Invoice.InvoiceNum
ORDER BY invoice.InvoiceNum

所以我有两张桌子。 Invoice 表和 InvoiceItem 表。它们由每个表中的 InvoiceNum 列连接起来,并显示 InvoiceNum 和 Layer 列


InvoiceNum  | Layer | InvoiceItemNum
1           | 10    | 1
1           | 0     | 2
1           | 7     | 3 
1           | 0     | 4 
2           | 0     | 1
2           | 3     | 2 
3           | 0     | 1
3           | 0     | 2
3           | 0     | 3 
4           | 0     | 1
4           | 0     | 2
4           | 5     | 3

由于我的 InvoiceItem 表有多行可以分配给 1 个 InvoiceNum,这导致我的结果中出现重复的 InvoiceNum,这是我不希望的。

这是我试图获得的结果,仅列出发票表中的 1 个发票编号,其中第一种情况是来自 InvoiceItem 表的图层列的非零值,如果没有非零值,则列出第一个零。


InvoiceNum  | Layer | InvoiceItemNum
1           | 10    | 1
2           | 3     | 2 
3           | 0     | 1
4           | 5     | 3


P粉563831052P粉563831052241 天前319


  • P粉310931198

    P粉3109311982024-02-22 12:26:01


    • 虽然用 sybase 标记,但问题并没有区分 4x 不同的 Sybase RDBMS 产品(ASESQLAnywhereIQAdvantage),因此我将坚持使用通用 SQL 语法(即 4x 产品具有不同的SQL 方言;此外,ASE 不支持 CTE)
    • 我不明白 OP 对 left (outer) join 的使用,因为提供的输出似乎没有表明 InvoiceItem 中存在任何“缺失”行
    • 不清楚 LayerInvoiceItemNum 列属于哪个表,因此我假设它们属于 InvoiceItem

    猜测一组最小表定义和关联的 insert 语句:

    create table Invoice
    (InvoiceNum     int
    create table InvoiceItem
    (InvoiceNum     int
    ,InvoiceItemNum int
    ,Layer          int
    insert Invoice select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4
    insert InvoiceItem values (1,1,10)
    insert InvoiceItem values (1,2,0)
    insert InvoiceItem values (1,3,7)
    insert InvoiceItem values (1,4,0)
    insert InvoiceItem values (2,1,0)
    insert InvoiceItem values (2,2,3)
    insert InvoiceItem values (3,1,0)
    insert InvoiceItem values (3,2,0)
    insert InvoiceItem values (3,3,0)
    insert InvoiceItem values (4,1,0)
    insert InvoiceItem values (4,2,0)
    insert InvoiceItem values (4,3,5)


    select  inv.InvoiceNum,
    from    Invoice inv
    left                          -- superfluous in this case?
    join    InvoiceItem item
    on      inv.InvoiceNum = item.InvoiceNum
    order by 1,3
     InvoiceNum  Layer       InvoiceItemNum
     ----------- ----------- --------------
               1          10              1
               1           0              2
               1           7              3
               1           0              4
               2           0              1
               2           3              2
               3           0              1
               3           0              2
               3           0              3
               4           0              1
               4           0              2
               4           5              3

    生成 OP 所需输出的几个不同(复杂、混乱)的想法:

    -- join based on Layer!=0; if no rows found then override NULLs
    -- with Layer=0 and InvoiceItemNum=min(InvoiceItemNum) where Layer=0;
    -- needs more work in case there are no matching rows in InvoiceItem ...
    -- wrap case/then in a coalesce() and set to, what, 0?
    select  inv.InvoiceNum,
            coalesce(item1.Layer,0) as "Layer",
            case    when item1.InvoiceItemNum is NULL
                    then (select min(InvoiceItemNum) from InvoiceItem item3 where item3.InvoiceNum = inv.InvoiceNum)
                    else item1.InvoiceItemNum
            end as "InvoiceItemNum"
    from    Invoice inv
    join    InvoiceItem item1
    on      inv.InvoiceNum = item1.InvoiceNum
    and     item1.Layer != 0
    and     not exists(select       1
                       from         InvoiceItem item2
                       where        item2.InvoiceNum = item1.InvoiceNum
                       and          item2.Layer != 0
                       and          item2.InvoiceItemNum < item1.InvoiceItemNum)
    order by 1
    -- OR
    -- perform a mutually exclusive UNION of Layer!=0 and Layer=0 queries
    -- with Layer!=0 having prcedence
    select  inv.InvoiceNum,
    from    Invoice inv
    --left  ??? needs work if this is really an outer join ???
    join    InvoiceItem item1
    on      inv.InvoiceNum = item1.InvoiceNum
    and     (
             (      item1.Layer != 0
              and   not exists(select 1
                               from   InvoiceItem item2
                               where  item2.InvoiceNum = item1.InvoiceNum
                               and    item2.Layer != 0
                               and    item2.InvoiceItemNum < item1.InvoiceItemNum)
             (      item1.Layer = 0
              and   not exists(select 1
                               from   InvoiceItem item3
                               where  item3.InvoiceNum = item1.InvoiceNum
                               and    item3.Layer != 0)
              and   not exists(select 1
                               from   InvoiceItem item4
                               where  item4.InvoiceNum = item1.InvoiceNum
                               and    item4.Layer = 0
                               and    item4.InvoiceItemNum < item1.InvoiceItemNum)
    order by 1


    InvoiceNum  Layer       InvoiceItemNum
     ----------- ----------- --------------
               1          10              1
               2           3              2
               3           0              1
               4           5              3


    • 不确定输出应该是什么,因为它(对我来说)没有出现,OP已经证明了需要 left (外部)join
    • 在 (Sybase)SAP ASE 16.0 中测试的所有查询

  • P粉551084295

    P粉5510842952024-02-22 10:50:28


    在 Postgres 中尝试一下:

    with cte as (
    inv.invoicenum,sum(layer::int) "sum_layer"
    from invoice inv inner join invoiceitem item on item.invoicenum=inv.invoicenum
    group by 1
    cte1 as (
    select distinct on (inv.invoicenum) inv.invoicenum,layer, InvoiceItemNum
    from invoice inv inner join invoiceitem item on item.invoicenum=inv.invoicenum
    where inv.invoicenum in (select invoicenum from cte where sum_layer=0)
    order by inv.invoicenum, InvoiceItemNum
    cte2 as (
    distinct on (inv.invoicenum) inv.invoicenum, layer , InvoiceItemNum
    from invoice inv inner join invoiceitem item on item.invoicenum=inv.invoicenum
    where inv.invoicenum in (select invoicenum from cte where sum_layer>0) and layer::int>0
    order by inv.invoicenum, InvoiceItemNum
    select * from cte1
    union all
    select * from cte2
    order by 1


    在 MySQL 8 中:


    with cte as (
    inv.invoicenum,sum(layer) "sum_layer"
    from invoice inv inner join invoiceitem item on item.invoicenum=inv.invoicenum
    group by 1
    cte1 as (
    select * from (
    select inv.invoicenum, layer, InvoiceItemNum
    from invoice inv inner join invoiceitem item on item.invoicenum=inv.invoicenum
    where inv.invoicenum in (select invoicenum from cte where sum_layer=0)
    order by inv.invoicenum, InvoiceItemNum
    ) c
    group by invoicenum
    cte2 as (
    select * from (
    select inv.invoicenum, layer, InvoiceItemNum
    from invoice inv inner join invoiceitem item on item.invoicenum=inv.invoicenum
    where inv.invoicenum in (select invoicenum from cte where sum_layer>0) and layer>0
    order by inv.invoicenum, InvoiceItemNum ) c
    group by invoicenum
    select * from cte1
    union all
    select * from cte2

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