如何正确解码 php.ini 中同时包含数组和字符串的 geoJson? 我遇到的问题是从数据库读取它并转换回 json,坐标数组丢失。
我目前正在从(有效)geoJson.json 文件中读取它,并使用以下命令将其存储在 mysql 数据库中: $jsondata = json_decode($srcfile, true);效果很好 - 它在(mysql)数据库中看起来是正确的,并且仍然具有完整的坐标数组。
原始数据如下所示:(除了有 1000 个坐标)
{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "coordinates": [ [ [ [ -64.59727115377405, 60.30061384178721 ], [ -64.52477086139639, 60.29980770242815 ] ] ], [ [ [ -64.59727115377405, 60.30061384178721 ], [ -64.52477086139639, 60.29980770242815 ] ] ] ], "type": "MultiPolygon" }, "properties": { "prov_type": "province", "prov_code": "24", "prov_name_fr": "Qu\u00e9bec", "geo_point_2d": [ 53.3945173679, -71.7823138976 ], "prov_name_en": "Quebec", "year": "2019", "prov_area_code": "CAN" }
当我从数据库中提取它并对其运行 json_encode($data) 时,输出如下所示 - 缺少所有坐标。
{ "type":"Feature", "geometry":{ "coordinates":, "type":"MultiPolygon" }, "properties":{ "prov_type":"province", "prov_code":"35", "prov_name_fr":"Ontario", "geo_point_2d":[50.4486575765,-86.0470011166], "prov_name_en":"Ontario", "year":"2019", "prov_area_code":"CAN" } }
更新 - 添加了导入方法
public function importGeodata() { // $srcfile = file_get_contents('/var/www/vhosts/mcgill.local/src/core/components/mcgill/data/provinces.json'); $srcfile = file_get_contents('/var/www/vhosts/mcgill.local/src/core/components/mcgill/data/us-states.json'); $jsondata = json_decode($srcfile, true); // echo '<pre>';print_r($jsondata); echo '</pre>'; foreach($jsondata['features'] as $feature) { // $search = $feature['properties']['prov_name_en']; // FOR CANADA $search = $feature['properties']['NAME']; // FOR USA if(!$updateObj = $this->modx->getObject('CatalogStates', array('name' => $search))) { echo '<br>Could not find object: ' . $search; }else{ echo '<br>Found object: '.$search; $updateObj->set('feature', json_encode(array($feature))); if(!$updateObj->save()) { echo '<br>Error saving object: ' . $search; } } } return; }
public function getGeoJson() { $criteria = $this->modx->newQuery('CatalogStates'); $criteria->where([ 'id:IN' => array(1,2), ]); if($states = $this->modx->getCollection('CatalogStates',$criteria)) // returns an array of objects { foreach($states as $state) { $feature = $state->get('feature'); $coordinates = $feature['geometry']['coordinates']; print_r($coordinates); // this returns the coordinates array echo json_encode($coordinates); // this returns nothing!? } } }
P粉7665209912024-01-29 17:58:24
好吧,奇怪的是,MODX 搞砸了我...MODX 使用双方括号来表示应该处理或包含的代码 - 即
[[代码片段名称]] [[*include_chunk_name]]
"coordinates": [ [ [ [ -64.59727115377405, 60.30061384178721 ], [ -64.52477086139639, 60.29980770242815 ] ] ], [ [ [ -64.59727115377405, 60.30061384178721 ], [ -64.52477086139639, 60.29980770242815 ] ] ] ]
"coordinates": [[ // try to run a code snip here // run this code snip (and fail) [[-64.59727115377405,60.30061384178721], // give up trying to output anything till we find a matching closing brace
json_encode($feature, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT );