我有一个奇怪的 vuejs 效果,当我添加新的对象数据时,v-for 会重新渲染所有对象,即使它已经渲染了。
我正在实现像 face book 一样的无限滚动。
为了解释这段代码,我从 firebase 获取新数据,然后当数据到达屏幕底部时将其推送到数据对象中
var vueApp = new Vue({ el: '#root', data: { postList: [], isOkaytoLoad: false, isRoomPostEmpty: false, }, mounted: function() { // Everytime user scroll, call handleScroll() method window.addEventLis tener('scroll', this.handleScroll); }, methods: { handleScroll: function() { var d = document.documentElement; var offset = d.scrollTop + window.innerHeight; var height = d.offsetHeight - 200; // If the user is near the bottom and it's okay to load new data, get new data from firebase if (this.isOkaytoLoad && offset >= height) { this.isOkaytoLoad = false; (async()=>{ const lastPost = this.postList[this.postList.length - 1]; const room_id = PARAMETERS.get('room'); const q = query(collection(db, 'posts'), where('room', '==', room_id), orderBy("time", "desc"), limit(5), startAfter(lastPost)); const roomSnapshot = await getDocs(q); roomSnapshot.forEach((doc) => { const postID = doc.id; (async()=>{ // Put the new data at the postList object this.postList = [...this.postList, doc]; const q = query(collection(db, 'comments'), where('post_id', '==', postID)); const commentSnapshot = await getDocs(q); doc['commentCount'] = commentSnapshot.size; //this.postList.push(doc); console.log(this.postList); setTimeout(()=>{ this.isOkaytoLoad = true }, 1000); })(); }); })(); } } } })
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script> <div v-if="postList.length > 0" class="card-containers"> <!-- I have a component `Postcard` in my js file and it works well --> <Postcard v-for="post in postList" :key="post.id" :post-id="post.id" :owner-name="post.data().owner_displayName" :owner-uid="post.data().owner_id" :post-type="post.data().post_type" :image-url="post.data().image_url" :post-content="truncateString(linkify(post.data().post_content))" :room="post.data().room" :time="post.data().time.toDate()" :likers="post.data().likers" :comment-count="post.commentCount" :file-url="post.data().file_url" :file-name="post.data().file_name" :downloads="post.data().downloads"> </Postcard> </div>
看看这个屏幕记录,聚焦鼠标,它很滞后,当 vuejs 添加和加载新数据时我什至无法单击这些按钮
我怀疑每次添加新数据时,VueJS 都会重新渲染所有数据,从而产生这种效果。如何强制 vueJS 不重新渲染那些已经在屏幕上渲染的数据?
P粉5671123912023-12-29 16:34:20
你有两个不必要的异步IIFE; forEach
将在每次循环迭代时立即触发,可能会向服务器发送垃圾邮件(假设这是执行网络请求)。这是你的意图吗?看来您最多只能获取 5 个新帖子,所以这可能没问题。也不要使用 var
;使用 const
或 let
代替。几乎没有充分的理由再使用 var
async handleScroll() { const d = document.documentElement; const offset = d.scrollTop + window.innerHeight; const height = d.offsetHeight - 200; // If the user is near the bottom and it's okay to load new data, get new data from firebase if (this.isOkaytoLoad && offset >= height) { // Prevent loading while we load more posts this.isOkaytoLoad = false; try { // Get new posts const lastPost = this.postList[this.postList.length - 1]; const room_id = PARAMETERS.get('room'); const q = query(collection(db, 'posts'), where('room', '==', room_id), orderBy("time", "desc"), limit(5), startAfter(lastPost)); const roomSnapshot = await getDocs(q); // Fetch comments of each post. Do this all at once for each post. // TODO: This can probably be optimized into a single query // for all the posts, instead of one query per post. await Promise.all(roomSnapshot.docs.map(async doc => { const postID = doc.id; const q = query(collection(db, 'comments'), where('post_id', '==', postID)); const commentSnapshot = await getDocs(q); doc.commentCount = commentSnapshot.size; })); // Append the new posts to the list this.postList.push(...roomSnapshot.docs); } catch (ex) { // TODO: Handle error } finally { // Wait a bit to re-enable loading setTimeout(() => { this.isOkaytoLoad = true }, 1000); } } }
在模板中执行 :post-content="truncateString(linkify(post.data().post_content))"
意味着 linkify
将在每次重新渲染期间执行。我怀疑 linkify