这是我的 Flask API 代码
from flask import request from flask_restful import Resource from mysql.connector import Error from flask_jwt_extended import jwt_required, get_jwt_identity from mysql_connection import get_connection class OrderListResource(Resource): # 내 주문내역 조회 API @jwt_required() def get(self): userId = get_jwt_identity() offset = request.args.get('offset') limit = request.args.get('limit') # 기본값 if not offset: offset = 0 if not limit: limit = 20 try: connection = get_connection() # 주문한 시간이 늦은 순으로 정렬 query = ''' select * from orders where userId = %s order by createdAt desc; limit '''+offset+''', '''+limit+'''; ''' record = (userId, ) cursor = connection.cursor(dictionary=True, buffered=True) cursor.execute(query, record) result_list = cursor.fetchall() for row in result_list: row['reservTime'] = row['reservTime'].isoformat() row['createdAt'] = row['createdAt'].isoformat() cursor.close() connection.close() except Error as e: print(e) cursor.close() connection.close() return {'error' : str(e)}, 500 return {'result' : 'success', 'items' : result_list, 'count' : len(result_list)}, 200
我使用 AWS lambda 部署了它,并使用 Postman 进行了测试。 在本地状态下工作正常,但服务器出现“Internal Server Error”。 当地的 AWS lambda
因此我查看了 CloudWatch 日志并收到以下错误消息:
[ERROR] InternalError: Unread result found
奇怪的是,在我部署的所有 API 中,只有这个 API 给我带来了错误。 Other APIs work fine both 当地的 and on the server. 所以我不知道问题出在哪里。