cohort_units: cohort_id unit part 235 ABC A 235 ABC B 246 DEF A 246 DEF B 246 DEF C cohort_students: user_id cohort_id 21 235 24 235 43 235 53 246 assignments: user_id cohort_id unit draft1recdt 21 235 ABCA 2023-01-03 21 235 ABCB NULL 24 235 ABCA 2023-02-01 24 235 ABCB 2023-02-02
这会提取带有用户 ID 和群组 ID 的单位列表。
SELECT cohort_students.user_id, cohort_units.unit, cohort_units.cohort_id FROM cohort_units LEFT JOIN cohort_students ON cohort_units.cohort_id = cohort_students.cohort_id GROUP BY cohort_units.unit,cohort_students.user_id ORDER BY cohort_students.user_id; result: user_id unit cohort_id 21 ABC 235 24 ABC 235 43 ABC 235 53 DEF 236
如果作业的部分多于已提交的部分,则对于每个队列中的每个学生应在给定队列 ID、用户 ID 和单元名称的情况下完成的每个单元,此操作将返回一行。
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN draft1recdt IS NOT NULL THEN draft1recdt END) AS drafts, (LENGTH(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT draft1recdt))-LENGTH(REPLACE(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT draft1recdt), ',', '')))+1 as numDrafts, cohort_units.unit, GROUP_CONCAT(cohort_units.part) as parts, (LENGTH(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT cohort_units.part))-LENGTH(REPLACE(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT cohort_units.part), ',', '')))+1 as numParts FROM assignments LEFT JOIN cohort_units ON assignments.cohort_id = cohort_units.cohort_id AND assignments.unit = CONCAT(cohort_units.unit,cohort_units.part) WHERE assignments.cohort_id = 235 AND cohort_units.unit = 'ABC' AND assignments.user_id = 21 GROUP BY cohort_units.unit HAVING numParts > numDrafts;
如何使用第一个 select 语句上的三列作为连接信息,使第二个 select 语句成为第一个 select 语句的一部分?
我想对第一个查询的每个结果运行第二个查询。使用上面的数据,我希望提取出用户 ID 21,因为他们只提交了两部分单元的一部分。
user_id unit cohort_id parts numParts numDrafts 21 ABC 235 A,B 2 1
P粉4773692692023-09-07 09:18:18
如果您的 assignments
表有一个与您的 cohort_units
part 表相匹配的 part
SELECT assignments.user_id, assignments.cohort_id, cohort_units.unit, cohort_units.part, assignments.draft1recdt FROM assignments JOIN cohort_units ON assignments.unit = CONCAT(cohort_units.unit, cohort_units.part)
SELECT COUNT(*) num_parts, cohort_id, unit FROM cohort_units GROUP BY cohort_id, unit
WITH completed AS ( SELECT assignments.user_id, assignments.cohort_id, cohort_units.unit, cohort_units.part, assignments.draft1recdt FROM assignments JOIN cohort_units ON assignments.unit = CONCAT(cohort_units.unit, cohort_units.part) ), partcount AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) num_parts, cohort_id, unit FROM cohort_units GROUP BY cohort_id, unit ) SELECT completed.user_id, cohort_units.cohort_id, cohort_units.unit, GROUP_CONCAT(completed.part) parts, COUNT(*) completed_parts, partcount.num_parts FROM cohort_units JOIN partcount ON cohort_units.cohort_id = partcount.cohort_id AND cohort_units.unit = partcount.unit JOIN completed ON completed.cohort_id = cohort_units.cohort_id AND completed.unit = cohort_units.unit AND completed.part = cohort_units.part GROUP BY completed.user_id, cohort_units.cohort_id, cohort_units.unit, num_parts HAVING COUNT(*) < partcount.num_parts
这是一个小提琴。 https://dbfiddle.uk/FvGkiAnl