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Ghost CMS API 的 R 接口

<p>我正在尝试使用内置的Admin API从R连接到本地的Ghost CMS实例。有一个很好的文档(https://ghost.org/docs/admin-api/#token-authentication),介绍了如何在各种语言中进行连接,但不幸的是没有提供给R的文档。我已经编写了以下代码,但不幸的是在尝试创建一个测试文章时收到了401错误。非常感谢任何帮助。<br /><br />R代码:</p><p><strong></strong></p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">api_admin_key <- "xxxxxx:yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" api_admin_key <- unlist(strsplit(x = api_admin_key, split = ":")) names(api_admin_key) <- c("id", "secret") # Prepare header and payload iat <- as.integer(Sys.time()) header <- list(alg = 'HS256', typ = 'JWT', kid = api_admin_key[["id"]]) # Create the token (including decoding secret) payload <- jose::jwt_claim(iat = iat, exp = iat + 5 * 60, aud = '/admin/') token <- jose::jwt_encode_hmac( claim = payload, secret = charToRaw(api_admin_key[["secret"]]), size = 256, header = header ) # Make an authenticated request to create a post url <- 'http://localhost:2368/ghost/api/admin/posts/' headers <- c('Authorization' = paste("Ghost", token)) body <- list(posts = list( "title" = 'Hello World', "html" = "<p>My post content. Work in progress...</p>", "status" = "published" ) ) httr::POST(url, body = body, encode = "json", httr::add_headers(.headers = headers))</pre> <p><br /></p>
P粉134288794P粉134288794444 天前528


  • P粉739706089

    P粉7397060892023-08-04 09:11:43


    hex_to_raw <- function(x) {
      digits <- strtoi(strsplit(x, "")[[1]], base=16L)
      as.raw(bitwShiftL(digits[c(TRUE, FALSE)],4) + digits[c(FALSE, TRUE)])


    api_admin_key <- "adam:12bd18f2cd12"
    api_admin_key <- unlist(strsplit(x = api_admin_key, split = ":"))
    names(api_admin_key) <- c("id", "secret")
    # Prepare header and payload
    iat <- as.integer(Sys.time())
    header <- list(kid = api_admin_key[["id"]])
    # Create the token (including decoding secret)
    payload <-
      jose::jwt_claim(iat = iat,
                      exp = iat + 5 * 60,
                      aud = '/admin/')
    token <-
        claim = payload,
        secret = hex_to_raw(api_admin_key[["secret"]]),
        size = 256,
        header = header


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