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2016-06-06 20:12:421209浏览

Microsoft provides a?SQL Server?driver?for PDO. Unfortunately, this driver only works on Windows. Linux and Mac OS X apps must use the?FreeTDS?compatibility layer:?an open source implementation of the MS SQL Server protocol for Unix. It’s

Microsoft provides a?SQL Server?driver?for PDO. Unfortunately, this driver only works on Windows. Linux and Mac OS X apps must use the?FreeTDS?compatibility layer:?an open source implementation of the MS SQL Server protocol for Unix.

It’s possible to connect?a Symfony app to a SQL Server instance on Unix through FreeTDS but this involve to use a Doctrine driver that is not provided with the standard distribution. Some tutorials already explain how to do that, but they encourage doing dirty things like editing files in the?vendor/?directory. Here is the clean way!

First, install FreeTDS.

On Mac OX X, use?Homebrew:
brew install freetds

On Debian or Ubuntu:
apt-get install freetds-bin

The next step is to configure FreeTDS to be able to connect to the SQL Server instance.

Open the?freetds.conf?file (/etc/freetds/freetds.conf?on Debian / Ubuntu and/usr/local/etc/freetds.conf?on Mac OS X) and add the connection details of your server:

[my_server]<br> host = sql.example.com<br> port = 1433<br> tds version = 8.0<br> client charset = UTF-8<br> text size = 20971520

Be sure to set the protocol version to 8.0, the client charset and the text size.

Now, you should be able to connect to the SQL server from the command line:
tsql -S my_server -U myusername

Type your password when asked and?Ctrl+D?to disconnect from the server.

It’s time to install the?DBLIB PDO Driver.

On Mac OS X (replace php55 by the version of PHP you are using):
brew install?php55-pdo-dblib

On Debian or Ubuntu:
apt-get install php5-sybase

And add the DBLIB driver for Doctrine (packaged in?a Symfony bundle) in your app:

# in your Symfony app directory<br> composer require?realestateconz/mssql-bundle:dev-master

Enable the Symfony bundle. Add this line in the?registerBundles()?method of your?AppKernelin?app/AppKernel.php:

new Realestate\MssqlBundle\RealestateMssqlBundle(),

Finally, configure Doctrine to use this driver. Edit?app/config/config.yml:



????????driver_class: Realestate\MssqlBundle\Driver\PDODblib\Driver

????????host: my_server

????????dbname: MYDATABASE

????????user: myuser

????????password: mypassword

Note that you must use the?driver_class?parameter, and not?driver. Of course, you should not hardcode these values. Use?the interactive parameters system?instead.

Your Symfony app is now able to connect to the SQL Server. Try to run a SQL query:
php app/console doctrine:query:sql "SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE"

As SQL Server is a bad default DBMS for a Symfony app, especially on Unix servers, you should be interested by?using multiple database connection with Symfony and Doctrine.

另外注意你的编码,sqlserver insert需要将你的utf8转成gb2312

Like this :

$data = array_map(function($value) { return iconv(“UTF-8″,”GB2312″,$value); }, $data);
