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PPA source for PHP-YAF

2016-06-06 20:10:591090浏览

PHP-YAF is a PHP framework extension likes Zend Framework, but much more lighter, more faster and better extendability. It is developed by laruence. PHP-YAF could work with PEAR, Zend Framework and many others libraries. YAF supported PECL

PHP-YAF is a PHP framework extension likes Zend Framework, but much more lighter, more faster and better extendability. It is developed by laruence. PHP-YAF could work with PEAR, Zend Framework and many others libraries.

YAF supported PECL good. It is convenient using PECL to install YAF on Ubuntu box. There is a saying that “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”. Thus why we are here: a PPA source for PHP-YAF.

I have put all dependences on the github.

To use this PPA source, you must import PPA source first. Tool `add-apt-repository` can help us to take over the fussy job:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mikespook/php5-yaf

Then tell the system to pull down the latest list:

sudo apt-get update

Using apt-get to complete the installation:

sudo apt-get install php5-yaf

After installing without error, do NOT forget restart your PHP process.


sudo service php5-fpm restart

or Apache mod:

sudo service apache2 restart

Thank you, have fun! ;-)
