css selector { courser : courser type; }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> body { text-align: center; } a { cursor: default; } </style> </head> <body> <h2>This is an example of default cursor</h2> <a href="https://www.tutorialspoint.com/index.htm" class="my-link">Click Here</a> </body> </html>
指针光标由一个指向链接的手表示。当用户悬停在链接上时,它表示该元素可点击。我们可以使用下面的代码来设置指针光标 −
css-elector { cursor: pointer; }
文本光标是一个闪烁的水平或垂直线,它以I型光标指针的形式显示。当用户悬停在文本或文本输入字段上时,它表示他们已编辑或选择了文本。我们可以使用以下代码来设置文本光标 -
css-elector { cursor: text; }
十字准星光标只是显示为十字准星指针的水平和垂直线。十字准星光标用于在屏幕上选择特定区域,如图像编辑工具中。我们可以使用以下代码设置十字准星光标 -
css-elector { cursor: crosshair; }
移动光标以四个箭头指针的形式出现在屏幕上。它通常用于拖放元素,表示它可以移动。我们可以使用以下代码来设置移动光标 -
css-elector { cursor: move; }
不允许的光标表示请求的操作将不会执行。它以一个带有对角线的圆圈的形式出现。我们可以使用以下代码来设置不允许的光标 -
css-elector { cursor: not-allowed; }
进度光标以旋转的圆圈形式显示。它表示程序在后台忙碌,但用户仍然可以与界面交互。我们可以使用以下代码来设置进度光标 -
css-elector { cursor: progress; }
等待光标显示为旋转的风车。它表示程序正在忙碌中,无法与用户界面进行交互。我们可以使用以下代码来设置等待光标 -
css-elector { cursor: wait; }
帮助光标显示为一个问号指针。当用户需要帮助时,例如点击帮助图标或按钮时使用。我们可以使用以下代码设置帮助光标 -
css-elector { cursor: help; }
Here is an example of how to set the different types of cursors using CSS.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> body{ text-align:center; background-color: lightgreen; } div{ margin: 3px; padding: 5px; } </style> </head> <body> <h2>Setting the different types of cursors using CSS</h2> <h3>Move the mouse over the words to see the cursor change:</h3> <div style="cursor:default">Default</div> <div style="cursor:text">Text</div> <div style="cursor:pointer">Pointer</div> <div style="cursor:crosshair">Crosshair</div> <div style="cursor:move">Move</div> <div style="cursor:not-allowed">not-allowed</div> <div style="cursor:progress">Progressd</div> <div style="cursor:wait">wait</div> <div style="cursor:help">help</div> <div style="cursor:e-resize">e-resize</div> <div style="cursor:ne-resize">ne-resize</div> <div style="cursor:nw-resize">nw-resize</div> <div style="cursor:n-resize">n-resize</div> <div style="cursor:se-resize">se-resize</div> <div style="cursor:sw-resize">sw-resize</div> <div style="cursor:s-resize">s-resize</div> <div style="cursor:w-resize">w-resize</div> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> body{ text-align: center; } .my-cursor { width: 200px; margin: auto; background-color: lightblue; cursor: url(https://cdn.icon-icons.com/icons2/1875/PNG/96/cursor_120340.png), auto; } </style> </head> <body> <h2>Custom Cursors with CSS</h2> <div class="my-cursor"> <h3>Move the mouse over to see the cursor change</h3> <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text </p> </div> </body> </html>
In the above example, we have created a div element with a class of my-cursor. We then set the cursor property to URL ( https://cdn.icon-icons.com/icons2/1875/PNG/96/cursor_120340.png), auto。这意味着浏览器将cursor_120340.png文件用作自定义光标,如果找不到或加载文件失败,则回退到默认光标。