步骤1 - 开始
步骤2 - 在运行时读取罗马数字
步骤3 - 长度: = strlen(roman)
步骤4 - 对于i = 0到长度-1
步骤4.1 - switch(roman[i])
步骤4.1.1 - case 'm':
步骤4.1.2 - case 'M':
步骤4.1.2.1 - d[i]: =1000
步骤4.1.3 - case 'd':
步骤4.1.4 - case 'D':
步骤4.1.4.1 - d[i]: =500
步骤4.1.5 - case 'c':
步骤4.1.6 - case 'C':
步骤4.1.6.1 - d[i]: =100
步骤4.1.7 - case 'l':
步骤4.1.8 - case 'L':
步骤4.1.8.1 - d[i]: =50
步骤4.1.9 - case 'x':
步骤4.1.10 - case 'X':
步骤4.1.10.1 - d[i]: =10
步骤4.1.11 - case 'v':
步骤4.1.12 - case 'V':
步骤4.1.12.1 - d[i]: =5
步骤4.1.13 - case 'i':
步骤4.1.14 - case 'I':
步骤4.1.14.1 - d[i]: =1
步骤5 - 对于i = 0到长度-1
步骤5.1 - 如果(i==长度-1)或(d[i]>=d[i+1])
步骤5.1.1 - deci += d[i]
步骤5.2 - 否则
步骤5.2.1 - deci -= d[i]
步骤6 - 打印罗马数字的十进制等价物
步骤7 - 停止
#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> main(){ char roman[30]; int deci=0; int length,i,d[30]; printf("The Roman equivalent to decimal</p><p>"); printf("Decimal:.........Roman</p><p>"); printf("%5d............%3c</p><p>",1,'I'); printf("%5d............%3c</p><p>",5,'V'); printf("%5d............%3c</p><p>",10,'X'); printf("%5d............%3c</p><p>",50,'L'); printf("%5d............%3c</p><p>",100,'C'); printf("%5d............%3c</p><p>",500,'D'); printf("%5d............%3c</p><p>",1000,'M'); printf("Enter a Roman numeral:"); scanf("%s",roman); length=strlen(roman); for(i=0;i<length;i++){ switch(roman[i]){ case 'm': case 'M': d[i]=1000; break; case 'd': case 'D': d[i]= 500; break; case 'c': case 'C': d[i]= 100; break; case 'l': case 'L': d[i]= 50; break; case 'x': case 'X': d[i]= 10; break;; case 'v': case 'V': d[i]= 5; break; case 'i': case 'I': d[i]= 1; } } for(i=0;i<length;i++){ if(i==length-1 || d[i]>=d[i+1]) deci += d[i]; else deci -= d[i]; } printf("The Decimal equivalent of Roman numeral %s is %d", roman, deci); }
当上述程序被执行时,它产生以下结果 −
The Roman equivalent to decimal Decimal:.........Roman 1............ I 5............ V 10............ X 50............ L 100............ C 500............ D 1000............ M Enter a Roman numeral: M The Decimal equivalent of Roman Numeral M is 1000