Max count是一个可能的最大计数。在这里,我们给出了一个整数N和一个整数M的字符串。我们的任务是使用整数M的数字来组成数字N,并返回最大计数。同时,我们可以将2和5视为同一个数字,将6和9视为同一个数字。
N = 29 M = "2569783" Output 1: 2
解释 − 因为5和2相同,6和9相同,所以我们有两个'2'和两个'9'。因此,使用字符串M(2596783)的数字来组成数字N(29)的最大计数是2。
N = 999 M = 6666925 Output 2: 1
在该函数中,我们将创建一个哈希映射 'mp' 来存储字符串 'M' 中每个数字的频率。
从索引‘i = 0’开始遍历字符串‘M’,直到小于等于‘len’,并在此循环下执行以下操作:
创建另一个哈希映射 'mpN' 以存储数字 N 的频率
使用while循环遍历数字‘N’,直到N大于0,并在此循环下执行以下操作 -
检查 rem 是否为 6 并将其转换为 9
将'mpN'映射中每个数字的频率计数为字符-整数对。即将整数作为字符存储在映射中,如'mpN[rem + '0']'。
将 N 减少到 N%10,以去除数字的最后一位
我们创建一个变量 'maxCount',其中存储 'INT_MAX'。
最后,我们遍历地图 'mpN' 来找到 N 的最大计数,并在此循环下执行以下操作 -
Return maxCount
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int maxCountOfN(int N, string M){ map< char, int >mp; //created hashmap to store the frequency of each digit of //string int len = M.size(); // getting the size of the string // iterating string using for loop for(int i=0;i<len;i++){ if(M[i] == '2'){ M[i] = '5'; // replace 2 with 5 } else if(M[i] == '6'){ M[i] = '9'; // replace 6 with 9 } mp[M[i]]++; //count frequency of digit of string } // creating another hashmap to store the frequency of digit of the number N map<char, int>mpN; // iterating number 'N' using while loop while(N > 0){ int rem = N % 10; // Get the last digit as the remainder //Replace 2 with 5 if(rem == 2){ rem = 5; } //Replace 6 with 9 if(rem == 6){ rem = 9; } mpN[rem + '0']++; //count frequency of digit of number N = N / 10; } int maxCount = INT_MAX; //Trvaerse the hashmap of the number to get the maxCount for(auto el : mpN){ // Get the key which is a digit from the number N to be formed int key = el.first; // If the key is not present in the string M, then the number N cannot be formed if (!mp.count(key)) return 0; // Divide the frequency of the digit from the string M with the frequency of the current digit of N int tempCount = mp[key] / el.second; // Choose the minimum maxCount = min(maxCount, tempCount); } // returning the maximum count return maxCount; } // main function int main(){ int N = 29; // given number string M = "2569783";// given string // calling the function to get a maximum count of N int maxCount = maxCountOfN(N, M); cout<<"The max count of making the number "<< N << " using the digits of the string " << M << " is "<< maxCount<<endl; return 0; }
The max count of making the number 29 using the digits of the string 2569783 is 2
In this tutorial, we have implemented a program to find the Max count of N using digits of M such that 2 and 5, and, 6 and 9 can be treated as the same respectively. We have implemented an approach of hashing as we have to store the frequency with the time complexity of O(N+M) and space complexity of O(N+M). Where M is the size of the string and N is the size of the Number.