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Java 9中的Http/2客户端是什么?

2023-09-01 15:29:02777浏览

Java 9中的Http/2客户端是什么?

Http/2 Client API在 Java 9 中引入。它比 Http/1.1 具有更多性能改进,并且还支持服务器端推送事件。这使得网站高效更快浏览。Http/2 Client是一个名为jdk.incubator.httpclient的孵化器模块strong>,这意味着所有功能还没有最终确定,新的变化可能会在 java 的未来版本中出现。它导出包含所有公共 API 的 jdk.incubator.http 包。

要使用 Http/2 客户端,我们需要使用 孵化器模块,我们只需使用“–add-modules”命令将httpclient 模块传递到 JShell 中,如下所示

<strong>C:\>jshell -v --add-modules jdk.incubator.httpclient
| Welcome to JShell -- Version 9.0.4
| For an introduction type: /help intro</strong>


<strong>jshell> import jdk.incubator.http.*;

jshell> HttpClient httpClient = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
httpClient ==> jdk.incubator.http.HttpClientImpl@534df152
| created variable httpClient : HttpClient

jshell> HttpRequest httpRequest = HttpRequest.newBuilder().uri(new URI("https: //www.google.com")).GET().build();
httpRequest ==> https://www.google.com GET
| created variable httpRequest : HttpRequest

jshell> HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.send(httpRequest, HttpResponse.BodyHandler.asString());
httpResponse ==> jdk.incubator.http.HttpResponseImpl@609cd4d8
| created variable httpResponse : HttpResponse

jshell> System.out.println(httpResponse.statusCode());
jshell> System.out.println(httpResponse.body());
Apache HTTP Server Test Page powered by CentOS
Testing 123..
<p class="lead">This page is used to test the proper operation of the Apache HTTP server after it has been insta
lled. If you can read this page it means that this site is working properly. Thi
s server is powered by CentOS.</p><p class="lead">The website you just visited is either experiencing problems or is undergoing routine maintenance.</p>If you would like to let the administrators of this website know that you&#39;ve seen this page instead of the page you expected, you should send them e-mail. In general, mail sent to the name "webmast
er" and directed to the website&#39;s domain should reach the appropriate person.For example, if you experienced problems while visiting www.example.com, you should send e-mail to "webmaster@example
Are you the Administrator?
<p>You should add your website content to the directory /var/www/html/.</p><p>To prevent this page from ever being used, follow the instructions in the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf.</p>Promoting Apache and CentOS
</strong><p><strong>You are free to use the images below
on Apache and CentOS Linux powered HTTP servers. Thanks for using Apache and CentOS!</strong></p>

以上是Java 9中的Http/2客户端是什么?的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
