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我们可以使用方法重载在Java中计算矩形的面积。 "方法重载"是Java中的一个特性,它允许在同一个类中使用相同的方法名编写多个方法。这将使我们能够声明多个具有相同名称但具有不同签名的方法,即方法中的参数数量可能不同或参数的数据类型可能不同。方法重载帮助我们增加代码的可读性,以便我们可以以不同的方式使用相同的方法。

Now, let us achieve Method Overloading in Java by considering the “area of a rectangle” as an example.


Area of a rectangle is defined region occupied by ait in a 2-d plane. We can find the area of rectangle by performing the product of length and breadth of rectangle.

Area of Rectangle = lb
   l: length of rectangle.
   b: breadth of rectangle

In the below example, we will achieve Method Overloading in Java using the area of a rectangle as an example by changing the data types of parameters.


STEP 1 − Write a custom class to find the area of the rectangle.

STEP 2 − Initialize a pair of two variables of different data types in the main method of the public class.

STEP 3 − Create an object of a custom class in the main method of the public class.

STEP 4 − Call the specific method to find the area of the rectangle using the custom object created.




//Java Code to achieve Method Overloading in Java by Area of Rectangle.
import java.io.*;
class Area {
   // In this example area method is overloaded by changing the type of parameters.
   public void areaOfRectangle(int length, int breadth) {
      int area = 0;
      area = length *breadth;
      System.out.println("Area of the rectangle is :" + area);
   public void areaOfRectangle(double  length, double breadth) {
      double area= 0;
      area = length *breadth;
      System.out.println("Area of the rectangle is:" + area);
public class Main {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      Area Object  = new Area();
      int length_1 = 3;
      int  breadth_1 = 4;
      Object.areaOfRectangle(length_1, breadth_1);
      double length_2 = 4.5;
      double  breadth_2 = 5.5;
      Object.areaOfRectangle(length_2, breadth_2);


Area of the rectangle is :12
Area of the rectangle is:24.75

Time Complexity: O(1) Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Thus, in this article, we have learned how to implement Method Overloading in Java by changing the datatype of parameters using the example of finding the area of a rectangle.

