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2023-08-19 20:25:121346浏览


Generally, the developer uses JavaScript to add the behaviour to the HTML code. Sometimes, we can also add behaviour to the HTML code using CSS. For example, we can create a slideshow using HTML and CSS rather than using JavaScript with HTML.

We can create custom keyframes to animate the slides and create a slideshow.



.slides {
   width: calc(716px * 2);
   animation: slideShow 10s ease infinite;
@keyframes slideShow {
   30% {margin-left: 0px;}
   70% {margin-left: calc(-716px * 1);}

在上述语法中,'slides' div 包含多个幻灯片。我们根据 'slides' div 包含的幻灯片总数定义了 'slides' div 的宽度。此外,我们还为幻灯片 div 添加了动画。

In the slideshow keyframes, we change the value of the ‘margin-left’ CSS property to change the slide.


步骤1 - 创建一个div元素,并给它一个'parent'类名。

Step 2 – Create a nested div element and give the ‘slides’ class name. Furthermore, create multiple nested div elements with the ‘element’ class name representing the slides.

Step 3 – Also, add the content of the slide to the div element with the class name ‘element’.

Step 4 – Now, we require to add the CSS code for the slideshow. Give the fixed width and height to the ‘parent’ div element.

Step 5 – Set the fixed width and height for the ‘element’ div, which is our slide.

Step 6 – For the ‘slides’ div, calculate the total width according to the total number of slides it contains, and add a ‘slideshow’ animation for a particular duration.

Step 7 – Create a ‘slideshow’ keyframe which should change the value of the ‘margin-left’ CSS property to change the slides. Also, we have breakdown the percentage in the gap of 20, as we have 4 slides.


在下面的示例中,我们创建了4个不同的幻灯片并添加了文本内容。此外,我们使用了“n-th child”伪选择器来选择第n个幻灯片并更改其字体大小和文本颜色。

      /* set the box for the slides */
      .parent { height: 300px; width: 600px; overflow: hidden;}
      /* set height and width for slide elements */
      .element {float: left; height: 500px; width: 716px; backgroundcolor: grey;}
      /* set the width of the slides div and animation. */
      .slides { width: calc(716px * 4); animation: slideShow 10s ease infinite;}
      /* changing the font size and text color for every slide */
      .element:nth-child(1) {font-size: 2rem; color: blue;}
      .element:nth-child(2) {font-size: 3rem; color: black;}
      .element:nth-child(3) {font-size: 4rem; color: green;}
      .element:nth-child(4) {font-size: 5rem; color: pink;}
      /* creating the animation for the slideShow */
      /* for more slides, users can take percentages accordingly. */
      @keyframes slideShow {
         20% {margin-left: 0px;}
         40% {margin-left: calc(-716px * 1);}
         60% {margin-left: calc(-716px * 2);}
         80% {margin-left: calc(-716px * 3);}
   <h2> Programming a slideshow using the <i> HTML and CSS </i> only </h2>
   <div class = "parent">
      <div class = "slides">
         <div class = "element">
            <h3 class = "content"> This is a slide 1. </h3>
         <div class = "element">
            <h3 class = "content"> This is a slide 2. </h3>
         <div class = "element">
            <h3 class = "content"> This is a slide 3. </h3>
         <div class = "element">
            <h3 class = "content"> This is a slide 4. </h3>

In the output, users can see the slideshow of 10 seconds.


在下面的示例中,我们将图像添加为幻灯片的内容。此外,我们将图像的尺寸设置为“element” div 的完整尺寸。

      /* set the box for the slides */
      .parent { height: 300px; width: 600px; overflow: hidden;}
      /* set height and width for slide elements */
      .element {float: left; height: 500px; width: 716px; backgroundcolor: grey; }
      /* set the width of the slides div and animation. */
      .slides {width: calc(716px * 4); animation: slideShow 10s ease infinite;}
      img {width: 100%; height: 100%;}
      /* creating the animation for the slideshow */
      /* for more slides, users can take percentages accordingly. */
      @keyframes slideShow {
         20% {margin-left: 0px;}
         40% {margin-left: calc(-716px * 1);}
         60% {margin-left: calc(-716px * 2);}
         80% {margin-left: calc(-716px * 3);}
   <h2> Programming a slideshow using the <i> HTML and CSS </i> only </h2>
   <div class = "parent">
      <div class = "slides">
         <div class = "element">
            <img src = "https://www.stockvault.net/data/2011/05/31/124348/thumb16.jpg" alt = "image 1">
         <div class = "element">
            <img src = "https://www.stockvault.net/data/2007/03/01/99589/thumb16.jpg" alt = "image 2">
         <div class = "element">
            <img src = "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTxtApKDB3clf0BZYxgUlbGiYg7m-DwYlzYd9WXS5u3_K2MjeMZ-Yj3GpWdaNaGYej52l8&usqp=CAU"  alt = "image 3">
         <div class = "element">
            <img src = "https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/mani%C3%A8re-par-les-racines-vertes-de-h%C3%AAtre-de-for%C3%AAt-arbres-en-nature-41019730.jpg" alt = "image 4">




