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2023-08-19 18:21:211003浏览


Java is a widely utilized & advanced programming language. It has been depended upon for additional web applications. However, because of safety considerations, Chrome has sloped support for the Netscape Plugin API (NPAPI), which has been used to sustain Java applets on web pages. This move by Chrome has raised worries among developers & users about the end of Java in Chrome. 



NPAPI(Netscape插件API)是一种应用程序编程接口。它允许Web浏览器(如Google Chrome)执行插件,包括Java。以下是NPAPI帮助Java在Chrome上工作的几种方式:

  • 简化Java插件的创建 − NPAPI提供了一种标准的方式,供开发人员创建可以在Web浏览器中运行的插件。Java开发人员可以使用NPAPI创建可以在Chrome中使用的Java插件。

  • Provides a bridge between Java and Chrome − NPAPI serves as a bridge between Java & Chrome. It allows Java to communicate with Chrome & vice versa, letting Java work seamlessly in the Chrome browser.

  • 支持Java小程序 − Java小程序是可以在网页浏览器内运行的迷你Java应用程序。NPAPI为Java小程序提供了在Chrome中执行的关键基础设施。

  • Assures compatibility − NPAPI guarantees that Java plugins are compatible with Chrome. By delivering a standard interface, NPAPI allows Java plugins to work seamlessly in Chrome, however of the version or operating system.


Java Web Start

Java Web Start是用于帮助在网页上运行Java应用程序的NPAPI的替代解释。它允许用户从网页上启动应用程序。在启动时,应用程序无需使用浏览器插件。相反,它会在用户设备上下载并运行应用程序。通过这个解决方案,Chrome用户可以重新开始在网页上使用Java应用程序,而不依赖于NPAPI。

Deployment Toolkit


Chrome Native Messaging



对于依赖于Java应用程序的企业和组织用户来说,有几种解决方案可供选择。他们可以使用其中任何一种解决方案。其中一种广泛使用或受欢迎的答案是使用虚拟化技术。有许多已知的虚拟化技术,例如VMware ThinApp或Citrix XenApp。这些方法使Java应用程序可以被虚拟化并部署在用户的机器上。它允许Java应用程序在不需要NPAPI或其他浏览器插件的情况下工作。

Java on Other Browsers

Only Chrome has dropped the support for NPAPI, but all other browsers are open to it. Browsers such as Firefox & Safari still keep it. It indicates you can use Java on these browsers. You can easily use them without the need for any other solution. However, it is worth noting that NPAPI support is also being phased out on these browsers. Developers should evaluate alternative keys for sustaining Java in the long term.


In conclusion, the fall of NPAPI support by Chrome does not mean the end of Java in Chrome. There are a few other alternative solutions available. You can use them to support Java applications on the web. From the above, we know that Java Web Start, Deployment Toolkit, Chrome Native Messaging & virtualization technologies are some of the solutions. You can use them any time to support Java in Chrome. While alternative solutions may be required, Java can still be used on other browsers that support NPAPI. As technology persists to evolve, developers should remain vigilant & consider alternative solutions for helping Java in the long term.

