We can find a largest number by sorting an array. To define a void ArrayList and add all elements of array to it. Passing the ArrayList to Collections.max() and the entire process will take a run.
For this operation, you can declare a set of input as a form of array at the beginning. This creates a base to execute a logic. The algorithm uses this loop to find out the particular result (largest number of that loop).
Let's take an example.
arr[]= {1,10,4,15,9,85,63,108}
Output: 108
从数组中找到最大的数,通常会使用两种类型的函数 -
Max () – Use to find the max function from the list
for Loop - Use to perform iteration for every element.
Here is the general algorithm for to find out the largest element in a list by using Java −
第一步 − 开始
第2步 − 初始化arr[]
第三步 − max=arr[0]
第4步 − i=0;i
第四步 - 如果 (arr[i]>max)max=arr[i]
步骤 5(1) − 打印
步骤 5(2) − 打印 MAX
Step 6 − Terminate
coll means; the total collection from which the maximum element will be filtered out.
comp意味着; 可以进行操作的比较器。
public static <T extends an Object & make it Comparable<? super T>> T max(Collection of data <? extends T> coll) or; public static <T> T max(Collection of the data <? extends T> coll, Comparator<? super T> comparator)
Below approaches are useful for finding out the largest value in an array list −
方法一 - 迭代方法
Approach 2 − Int method by Java 8 stream
Approach 3 − max() method
Approach 4 − Using ForEach Loop
Approach 5 − Using Library Function
Recursive way to get max value.
Basic Condition of the method : if , (m==1) value return arr[0]
Else, get return the value of: maximum (arr[n-1], getmax(arr[], n-1))
import java.util.*; public class CollectionsofmaxfileARRDD { public static void main (String[] args) { List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(2010, 1010, 1001, 1400, 2501); Integer max = Collections.max(list, Collections.reverseOrder()); System.out.println("Output from the particular string: "+max); } }
Output from the particular string: 1001
In this method the time complexity is totally 0 and the auxiliary space has no extra space needed because it is constant.
import java.util.Arrays; public class arbrdd { public static void main (String[] args){ int arr[] = {07, 16, 10, 2001, 1997}; int max = Arrays.stream(arr).max().getAsInt(); System.out.println("Largest array is found from the array list" +max); } }
Largest array is found from the array list2001
通过使用max()方法,我们将使用以下过程构建Java代码 -
Initialize with the first element of an array
array[a]>maximum, set max = array[a]
import java.util.*; public class arbrdd{ public static void main(String[] args){ int arr[] = {10, 07, 16, 2001,1997}; List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); for(int a=0;a<arr.length;a++){ list.add(arr[a]); } System.out.println("Largest array present in the particular array list is " +Collections.max(list)); } }
Largest array present in the particular array list is 2001
Call recursive say get max
操作的基本条件:if,(a==1) 返回数组[0]
否则,返回max(array[a-1], getmax(array, a-1))
import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; public class maxarrayval { public static void main(String[] args){ List<Integer> arrayList = Arrays.asList(10, 07, 16, 2001, 1997, 10052022); int maxValue0710 = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (Integer integer : arrayList) { if (integer > maxValue0710) maxValue0710 = integer; } System.out.println("The maximum value present in the array is " + maxValue0710); } }
The maximum value present in the array is 10052022
By using the library functions, here we will build a Java code by using the below process −
Find the larger element between 2nd last and last one from array data
Max value recursive iteration
import java .io.*; import java.util.*; public class ARBRDD{ static int largest(int []arr,int n){ Arrays.sort(arr); return arr[n - 1]; } static public void main (String[] args){ int []arr = {07, 10, 2001,1997, 10052022}; int n = arr.length; System.out.println(largest(arr, n)); } }
In this article; today we learnt how to get the Largest Element in return from an array List using Java.