首页 >科技周边 >人工智能 >提高工作效率的十个值得推荐的Prompt


2023-05-18 10:13:051331浏览


1、Improve your decision-making

Prompt:"I am trying to decide if I should [insert decision]. Give me a list of pros and cons that will help me decide why I should or shouldn't make this decision."


2、Learn from the best:

Prompt:"Analyze the top performers in [insert your field of work]. Give me a list of the most important lessons I can learn from these top performers to boost my productivity."

“分析 [插入你的工作领域] 中表现最好的人。给我一份清单,列出我可以从这些表现最好的人身上学到的最重要的经验教训,以提高我的工作效率。”

3、Create a  personalized tutor to accelerate your learning

Prompt:"I am currently learning about [insert topic]. Ask me a series of questions that will test my knowledge. Identify knowledge gaps in my answers and give me better answers to fill those gaps."


4、Turn ChatGPT into your intern

Sample prompt:"I am creating a report about [insert topic]. Research and create an in-depth report with a step-by-step guide that will help readers understand how to [insert outcome]."

示例提示:“我正在创建一份关于 [插入主题] 的报告。研究并创建一份带有分步指南的深入报告,这将帮助读者了解如何 [插入结果]。”

5、Learn any new skill

Prompt:"I want to learn [insert skill]. Generate a 30 day plan that will help a beginner like me learn the skill from scratch."

学习任何新技能迅速的:“我想学习 [插入技能]。制定一个 30 天计划,帮助像我这样的初学者从头开始学习技能。”

6、Create any form of text or content


"Topic: How to write persuasivelyAudience: Business executivesFormat: SpeechTone: Educational and inspiringGoal: Inspire the audience to write effectivelyAdditional instructions: The speech should be under 15 minutes"

创建任何形式的文本或内容示例提示:“主题:如何有说服力地写作 。

听众:企业高管 。


教育和启发 。

目标:激发观众有效写作 。


7、Learn faster than ever with the 80/20 technique

Prompt:"I want to learn about [insert topic]. Identify and share the most important 20% of learnings from this topic that will help me understand 80% of it."

使用 80/20 技术学得比以往任何时候都快 。

“我想了解 [插入主题]。确定并分享从该主题中学到的最重要的 20%,这将帮助我理解其中的 80%。”

8、Rewrite and simplify complex texts

Prompt:"Rewrite the text below in simple and easy to understand words. Simple and easy enough for anyone who doesn't know the subject to understand what I'm trying to say."

[insert text]。



9、Learn faster with insight-packed summaries

Prompt:"Summarize the text below in no more than 500 words. Create a list of bullet points of the most important learnings, along with brief summaries explaining each point."[insert text]

通过富有洞察力的总结更快地学习 。

“在不超过 500 字的范围内总结以下文本。创建一个最重要学习要点列表,以及解释每个要点的简短摘要。” 


10、Get ChatGPT to write prompts for you

Prompt:"I am a [insert your profession]. Generate a list of the most powerful prompts that will help someone in my profession get more done and save time."

“我是 [插入你的职业]。生成一个最强大的提示列表,这将帮助我这个职业的人完成更多工作并节省时间。”





