''' '.tmp': '临时文件', '._mp': '临时文件_mp', '.log': '日志文件', '.gid': '临时帮助文件', '.chk': '磁盘检查文件', '.old': '临时备份文件', '.xlk': 'Excel备份文件', '.bak': '临时备份文件bak' '''
# Importing the os module. import os
# 待清理的文件后缀名称 suffix_dict = { '.tmp': '临时文件', '._mp': '临时文件_mp', '.log': '日志文件', '.gid': '临时帮助文件', '.chk': '磁盘检查文件', '.old': '临时备份文件', '.xlk': 'Excel备份文件', '.bak': '临时备份文件bak' } # 用户缓存数据类型名称 user_profile_list = [ 'cookies', 'recent', 'Temporary Internet Files', 'Temp' ] # windows系统路径文件类型 windir_list = [ 'prefetch', 'temp' ] # 系统驱动路径 sys_drive = os.environ['systemdrive'] + '\\' # 用户缓存路径 user_profile = os.environ['userprofile'] # windows系统路径 win_dir = os.environ['windir']
# This class is used to clean up files in a directory class CleanFilesUtil(): def __init__(self): """ A constructor. It is called when an object is created from a class and it allows the class to initialize the attributes of a class. """ self.del_info = {} self.del_file_paths = [] self.total_size = 0 for suffix_name, comment in suffix_dict.items(): self.del_info[suffix_name] = dict(name=comment, count=0) def scanf_files(self): """ It takes a list of files, and returns a list of lists of the lines in each file """ for roots, dirs, files in os.walk(user_profile): for files_item in files: file_extension = os.path.splitext(files_item)[1] if file_extension in self.del_info: file_full_path = os.path.join(roots, files_item) self.del_file_paths.append(file_full_path) self.del_info[file_extension]['count'] += 1 self.total_size += os.path.getsize(file_full_path) def show_count_message(self): """ It prints the number of messages in the inbox. """ byte = self.format_size(self.total_size) for i in self.del_info: print(self.del_info[i]["name"], "共计", self.del_info[i]["count"], "个") return byte def format_size(self, byte): """ It takes a number of bytes and returns a string with the number of bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes, depending on the size :param byte: The size in bytes """ try: kb = byte // 1024 except: print("传入字节格式不对") return "Error" if kb > 1024: M = kb // 1024 if M > 1024: G = M // 1024 return "%dG" % G else: return "%dM" % M else: return "%dkb" % kb def remove_file_or_dir(self): """ > This function removes a file or directory """ for full_path_one in self.del_file_paths: try: if os.path.isfile(full_path_one): os.remove(full_path_one) print("文件:", full_path_one, "已移除") elif os.path.isdir(full_path_one): os.rmdir(full_path_one) print("文件夹", full_path_one, "已移除") except WindowsError: print("错误:", full_path_one, "不能被移除") if __name__ == "__main__": print("开始初始化C盘清理程序") clean_ = CleanFilesUtil() print('C盘清理程序初始化完成') print("开始扫描所有待清理文件路径") clean_.scanf_files() print("完成所有待清理文件路径扫描") print("扫描完成以下是需要待清理的文件路径:") clean_.show_count_message() print("开始执行C盘垃圾文件删除") clean_.remove_file_or_dir() print("所有C盘垃圾文件已清理完成") input("输入任意键关闭窗口...")