mysql ft指的是FullText,即全文索引;全文索引是为了解决需要基于相似度的查询,而不是精确数值比较;全文索引在大量的数据面前,能比like快N倍,速度不是一个数量级。
MySQL 全文索引 (FullText)
虽然使用 like + %
也可以实现模糊匹配,但是对于大量的文本数据检索,是不可想象的。全文索引在大量的数据面前,能比 like
快 N 倍,速度不是一个数量级。
MySQL 5.6
以前的版本,只有 MyISAM
MySQL 5.6
和 InnoDB
MySQL 5.7.6
中,提供了支持中文、日文和韩文(CJK)的内置全文 ngram 解析器
,以及用于日文的可安装 MeCab
MATCH()函数中的列必须与FULLTEXT索引中定义的列完全一致,除非是在MyISAM表中使用IN BOOLEAN MODE模式的全文搜索(可在没有建立索引的列执行搜索,但速度很慢)
我们可以通过 SQL 命令查看当前配置的最小搜索长度(分词长度):
Variable_name | Value | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ft_boolean_syntax | + ->089099276dba5c1dbf53fd6fe7c2fd49” 表示出现该单词时增加相关性,查询的结果靠前 “<” 表示出现该单词时降低相关性,查询的结果靠后
"" 双引号表示短语,表示要彻底相符,不可拆字效果,类同于 like '%keyword%'
+aaa +(>bbb <ccc) aaa="aaa" sql="sql" select="select" from="from" test="test" where="where" match="match" against="against" in="in" boolean="boolean" mode="mode" select="select" from="from" tommy="tommy" where="where" match="match" against="against" in="in" boolean="boolean" mode="mode" select="select" from="from" tommy="tommy" where="where" match="match" against="against">李秀琴 <练习册 <不是人>是个鬼' in boolean mode); 四、测试结果测试环境:本机4核16G Windows10,MySQL 8.0 争对测试用的SQL语句,增加了以下全文索引: CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX billno_fulltext ON salebill(billno) WITH PARSER ngram; CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX remarks_fulltext ON salebill(remarks) WITH PARSER ngram; CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX remarks_fulltext ON salebilldetail(remarks) WITH PARSER ngram; CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX goodsremarks_fulltext ON salebilldetail(goodsremarks) WITH PARSER ngram; CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX remarks_goodsremarks_fulltext ON salebilldetail(remarks, goodsremarks) WITH PARSER ngram; CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX custname_fulltext ON customer(custname) WITH PARSER ngram; CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX goodsname_fulltext ON goods(goodsname) WITH PARSER ngram; CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX goodscode_fulltext ON goods(goodscode) WITH PARSER ngram; 测试结果,总的来说很魔幻。 test_1-- 测试1,原始 like 查询方式,用时 0.765s select 1 from salebilldetail d where d.tid=260434 and ((d.remarks like concat('%','葡萄','%')) or (d.goodsremarks like concat('%','葡萄','%'))); test_2-- 测试2,使用全文索引 remarks_fulltext、goodsremarks_fulltext, 用时 0.834s select 1 from salebilldetail d where d.tid=260434 and ((match(d.remarks) Against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode)) or (match(d.goodsremarks) Against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode))); test_3-- 测试3,使用全文索引 remarks_goodsremarks_fulltext, 用时 0.242s select 1 from salebilldetail d where d.tid=260434 and ((match(d.remarks,d.goodsremarks) Against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode))); test_4-- 测试4,原始 like 查询方式,不过滤 tid ,用时 22.654s select t from salebilldetail d where ((d.remarks like concat('%','葡萄','%')) or (d.goodsremarks like concat('%','葡萄','%'))); test_5-- 测试5,使用全文索引 remarks_fulltext、goodsremarks_fulltext, 不过滤 tid ,用时 24.855s select 1 from salebilldetail d where ((match(d.remarks) Against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode)) or (match(d.goodsremarks) Against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode))); test_6-- 测试6,使用全文索引 remarks_goodsremarks_fulltext, 不过滤 tid ,用时 0.213s select 1 from salebilldetail d where ((match(d.remarks,d.goodsremarks) Against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode))); test_7-- 测试7,使用全文索引 remarks_goodsremarks_fulltext, 用时 0.22s select count(1) from salebilldetail d where d.tid=260434 and ((match(d.remarks,d.goodsremarks) Against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode))); test_8-- 测试8,使用全文索引 remarks_goodsremarks_fulltext, 不过滤 tid ,用时 0.007s select count(1) from salebilldetail d where ((match(d.remarks,d.goodsremarks) Against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode))); 从上面的测试语句可以看出,数据量越多,查询越简单,全文索引的效果越好。 再来看看我们的业务测试SQL: test_9-- 测试9 select i.billid ,if(0,0,i.qty) as qty ,if(0,0,i.goodstotal) as total ,if(0,0,i.chktotal) as selfchktotal ,if(0,0,i.distotal) as distotal ,if(0,0,i.otherpay) as feetotal ,if(0,0,ifnull(d.costtotal,0)) as costtotal ,if(0,0,ifnull(d.maoli,0)) as maoli ,i.billno ,from_unixtime(i.billdate,'%Y-%m-%d') as billdate /*单据日期*/ ,from_unixtime(i.createdate,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as createdate /*制单日期*/ ,if(i.sdate=0,'',from_unixtime(i.sdate,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')) as sdate /*过账日期*/ ,from_unixtime(i.udate,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as udate /*最后修改时间*/ ,i.custid ,c.custname ,i.storeid ,k.storename ,i.empid ,e.empname ,i.userid ,u.username ,i.remarks /*单据备注*/ ,i.effect,i.settle,i.redold,i.rednew /*单据状态*/ ,i.printtimes /* 打印次数 */ ,(case when i.rednew=1 then 1 when i.redold=1 then 2 when i.settle=1 then 3 when i.effect=1 then 4 else 9 end) as state /*单据状态*/ ,(case when i.rednew=1 then '红冲单' when i.redold=1 then '已红冲' when i.settle=1 then '已结算' when i.effect=1 then '已过账' else '草稿' end) as statetext ,'' as susername /* 操作人 */ ,'' as accname /* 科目 */ from salebill i left join coursecentersale d on d.tid=i.tid and d.billid=i.billid left join customer c on c.tid=i.tid and c.custid=i.custid left join store k on k.tid=i.tid and k.storeid=i.storeid left join employee e on e.tid=i.tid and e.empid=i.empid left join user u on u.tid=i.tid and u.userid=i.userid where i.tid=260434 and (i.billtype = 5 or i.effect = 1) and ('_billdate_f_'!='') and ('_billdate_t_'!='') and ('_sdate_f_'!='') and ('_sdate_t_'!='') and ('_udate_f_'!='') and ('_udate_t_'!='') and ('_cdate_f_'!='') and ('_cdate_t_'!='') and ('_billid_'!='') /*单据id*/ and ('_custid_'!='') /*客户ID*/ and ('_storeid_'!='') /*店仓ID*/ and ('_empid_'!='') /*业务员ID*/ and ('_custstop_'!='') /*客户是否停用*/ and ( (i.billno like concat('%','葡萄','%')) or (i.remarks like concat('%','葡萄','%')) or exists(select 1 from salebilldetail d where d.tid=260434 and d.billid=i.billid and ((d.remarks like concat('%','葡萄','%')) or (d.goodsremarks like concat('%','葡萄','%')))) or exists(select 1 from customer c where c.tid=260434 and c.custid=i.custid and (c.custname like concat('%','葡萄','%'))) or exists(select 1 from goods g join salebilldetail d on d.tid=g.tid and d.goodsid=g.goodsid where d.tid=260434 and d.billid=i.billid and ((g.goodsname like concat('%','葡萄','%')) or (g.goodscode like concat('%','葡萄','%')))) ) and i.rednew=0 /*单据列表不含红冲单*/ and i.billid not in (select billid from coursecenter_del t where t.tid=260434) and ((i.settle=1 and i.effect=1 and i.redold=0 and i.rednew=0)) /*已结算*/ order by udate desc,billno desc limit 0,100; 执行时间约 改成使用全文索引方式: test_10-- 测试10 select i.billid ,if(0,0,i.qty) as qty ,if(0,0,i.goodstotal) as total ,if(0,0,i.chktotal) as selfchktotal ,if(0,0,i.distotal) as distotal ,if(0,0,i.otherpay) as feetotal ,if(0,0,ifnull(d.costtotal,0)) as costtotal ,if(0,0,ifnull(d.maoli,0)) as maoli ,i.billno ,from_unixtime(i.billdate,'%Y-%m-%d') as billdate /*单据日期*/ ,from_unixtime(i.createdate,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as createdate /*制单日期*/ ,if(i.sdate=0,'',from_unixtime(i.sdate,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')) as sdate /*过账日期*/ ,from_unixtime(i.udate,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as udate /*最后修改时间*/ ,i.custid ,c.custname ,i.storeid ,k.storename ,i.empid ,e.empname ,i.userid ,u.username ,i.remarks /*单据备注*/ ,i.effect,i.settle,i.redold,i.rednew /*单据状态*/ ,i.printtimes /* 打印次数 */ ,(case when i.rednew=1 then 1 when i.redold=1 then 2 when i.settle=1 then 3 when i.effect=1 then 4 else 9 end) as state /*单据状态*/ ,(case when i.rednew=1 then '红冲单' when i.redold=1 then '已红冲' when i.settle=1 then '已结算' when i.effect=1 then '已过账' else '草稿' end) as statetext ,'' as susername /* 操作人 */ ,'' as accname /* 科目 */ from salebill i left join coursecentersale d on d.tid=i.tid and d.billid=i.billid left join customer c on c.tid=i.tid and c.custid=i.custid left join store k on k.tid=i.tid and k.storeid=i.storeid left join employee e on e.tid=i.tid and e.empid=i.empid left join user u on u.tid=i.tid and u.userid=i.userid where i.tid=260434 and (i.billtype = 5 or i.effect = 1) and ('_billdate_f_'!='') and ('_billdate_t_'!='') and ('_sdate_f_'!='') and ('_sdate_t_'!='') and ('_udate_f_'!='') and ('_udate_t_'!='') and ('_cdate_f_'!='') and ('_cdate_t_'!='') and ('_billid_'!='') /*单据id*/ and ('_custid_'!='') /*客户ID*/ and ('_storeid_'!='') /*店仓ID*/ and ('_empid_'!='') /*业务员ID*/ and ('_custstop_'!='') /*客户是否停用*/ and ( (match(i.billno) against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode)) or (match(i.remarks) against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode)) or exists(select 1 from salebilldetail d where d.tid=260434 and d.billid=i.billid and ((match(d.remarks) Against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode)) or (match(d.goodsremarks) Against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode)))) or exists(select 1 from customer c where c.tid=260434 and c.custid=i.custid and (match(c.custname) Against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode))) or exists(select 1 from goods g join salebilldetail d on d.tid=g.tid and d.goodsid=g.goodsid where d.tid=260434 and d.billid=i.billid and ((match(g.goodsname) Against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode)) or (match(g.goodscode) Against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode)))) ) and i.rednew=0 /*单据列表不含红冲单*/ and i.billid not in (select billid from coursecenter_del t where t.tid=260434) and ((i.settle=1 and i.effect=1 and i.redold=0 and i.rednew=0)) /*已结算*/ order by udate desc,billno desc limit 0,100; 执行时间约 最魔幻的地方来了,如果将上面的SQL语句中( exists(select 1 from salebilldetail d where d.tid=260434 and d.billid=i.billid and ((match(d.remarks) Against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode)) or (match(d.goodsremarks) Against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode)))) test_11改成使用全文索引 -- 测试11 exists(select 1 from salebilldetail d where d.tid=260434 and d.billid=i.billid and ((match(d.remarks,d.goodsremarks) Against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode)))) 执行时间无限长(跑了半天没成功)? -- and 中只有一个全文检索时正常, 用时0.2秒 select xxx from xxx ... and ( exists(select 1 from salebilldetail d where d.tid=260434 and d.billid=i.billid and ((match(d.remarks,d.goodsremarks) Against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode)))) ) ... -- 下面这样就异常了,会慢成百上千倍,用时 160 秒, 如果有更多的 match ,会更夸张的慢下去 select xxx from xxx ... and ( exists(select 1 from salebilldetail d where d.tid=260434 and d.billid=i.billid and ((match(d.remarks,d.goodsremarks) Against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode)))) or match(i.billno) against(concat('"','葡萄','"') in boolean mode) ) ... 测试结果汇总:
五、MySQL 版本升级因线上系统目前是 RDS MySQL 5.6,故简单描述升级相关问题。
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