首页 >后端开发 >Python教程 >如何检查字符串是否是Python中的有效关键字?


2019-03-20 14:14:153557浏览

在编程中,关键字(keyword )是语言的“reserved word”,它向解释器传递特殊的含义。它可以是命令或参数。关键字不能在程序段中用作变量名。



False, elif, lambda,
None, else, nonlocal,
True, except, not,
and, finally, or,
as, for, pass,
assert, from, raise,
break, global, return,
class, if, try,
continue, import, while,
def, in, with,
del, is, yield,



#Python code to demonstrate working of iskeyword() 
# importing "keyword" for keyword operations 
import keyword 
# initializing strings for testing 
s = "for"
s1 = "geeksforgeeks"
s2 = "elif"
s3 = "elseif"
s4 = "nikhil"
s5 = "assert"
s6 = "shambhavi"
s7 = "True"
s8 = "False"
s9 = "akshat"
s10 = "akash"
s11 = "break"
s12 = "ashty"
s13 = "lambda"
s14 = "suman"
s15 = "try"
s16 = "vaishnavi"
# checking which are keywords 
if keyword.iskeyword(s): 
        print ( s + " is a python keyword") 
else :  print ( s + " is not a python keyword") 
if keyword.iskeyword(s1): 
        print ( s1 + " is a python keyword") 
else :  print ( s1 + " is not a python keyword") 
if keyword.iskeyword(s2): 
        print ( s2 + " is a python keyword") 
else :  print ( s2 + " is not a python keyword") 
if keyword.iskeyword(s3): 
        print ( s3 + " is a python keyword") 
else :  print ( s3 + " is not a python keyword") 
if keyword.iskeyword(s4): 
        print ( s4 + " is a python keyword") 
else :  print ( s4 + " is not a python keyword") 
if keyword.iskeyword(s5): 
        print ( s5 + " is a python keyword") 
else :  print ( s5 + " is not a python keyword") 
if keyword.iskeyword(s6): 
        print ( s6 + " is a python keyword") 
else :  print ( s6 + " is not a python keyword") 
if keyword.iskeyword(s7): 
        print ( s7 + " is a python keyword") 
else :  print ( s7 + " is not a python keyword") 
if keyword.iskeyword(s8): 
        print ( s8 + " is a python keyword") 
else :  print ( s8 + " is not a python keyword") 
if keyword.iskeyword(s9): 
        print ( s9 + " is a python keyword") 
else :  print ( s9 + " is not a python keyword") 
if keyword.iskeyword(s10): 
        print ( s10 + " is a python keyword") 
else :  print ( s10 + " is not a python keyword") 
if keyword.iskeyword(s11): 
        print ( s11 + " is a python keyword") 
else :  print ( s11 + " is not a python keyword") 
if keyword.iskeyword(s12): 
        print ( s12 + " is a python keyword") 
else :  print ( s12 + " is not a python keyword") 
if keyword.iskeyword(s13): 
        print ( s13 + " is a python keyword") 
else :  print ( s13 + " is not a python keyword") 
if keyword.iskeyword(s14): 
        print ( s14 + " is a python keyword") 
else :  print ( s14 + " is not a python keyword") 
if keyword.iskeyword(s15): 
        print ( s15 + " is a python keyword") 
else :  print ( s15 + " is not a python keyword") 
if keyword.iskeyword(s16): 
        print ( s16 + " is a python keyword") 
else :  print ( s16 + " is not a python keyword")


for is a python keyword
geeksforgeeks is not a python keyword
elif is a python keyword
elseif is not a python keyword
nikhil is not a python keyword
assert is a python keyword
shambhavi is not a python keyword
True is a python keyword
False is a python keyword
akshat is not a python keyword
akash is not a python keyword
break is a python keyword
ashty is not a python keyword
lambda is a python keyword
suman is not a python keyword
try is a python keyword
vaishnavi is not a python keyword



#Python code to demonstrate working of iskeyword() 
# importing "keyword" for keyword operations 
import keyword 
# printing all keywords at once using "kwlist()" 
print ("The list of keywords is : ") 
print (keyword.kwlist)


The list of keywords is : 
['False', 'None', 'True', 'and', 'as', 'assert', 'break', 'class', 
'continue', 'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'finally', 
'for', 'from', 'global', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'is', 'lambda', 
'nonlocal', 'not', 'or', 'pass', 'raise', 'return', 
'try', 'while', 'with', 'yield']



