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deploy zabbix 2210 on ubuntu 1404 64bit

2016-07-30 13:29:53917浏览


Install depends

<code><span>#apt</span><span>-get</span> install <span>-y</span> nginx php5<span>-fpm</span> php5<span>-gd</span> mysql<span>-server</span> php5<span>-mysql</span> libmysqld<span>-dev</span> libxml2<span>-dev</span> libsnmp<span>-dev</span> libcurl4<span>-openssl</span><span>-dev</span></code>

Config php5-fpm

> <span>33</span> ;listen = /var/run/php5-fpm.sock
> <span>34</span> listen = <span>9000</span><span>#service php5-fpm restart</span></code>

Config nginx

<code><span>#cp /etc/nginx/sites-available/default{,.bak}</span><span>#vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default</span><span>...</span><span>24</span><span>##      root /usr/share/nginx/html;</span><span>25</span>         root /var/www/html/zabbix;
 <span>26</span>         index index.php index.html index.htm;

<span>...</span><span>54</span>         location ~ \.php$ {
 <span>55</span>                 fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
 <span>56</span><span>#       # NOTE: You should have "cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0;" in php.ini</span><span>57</span><span>#</span><span>58</span><span>#       # With php5-cgi alone:</span><span>59</span>                 fastcgi_pass <span>127.0</span><span>.0</span><span>.1</span>:<span>9000</span>;
 <span>60</span><span>#       # With php5-fpm:</span><span>61</span><span>#       fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;</span><span>62</span>                 fastcgi_index index.php;
 <span>63</span>                 include fastcgi_params;
 <span>64</span>         }

<span>...</span><span>#nginx -t</span>
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

<span>#service nginx reload</span></code>

Installing Zabbix daemons

download and untar pkg

<code><span>#wget http://7mnldi.com1.z0.glb.clouddn.com/zabbix-2.2.10.tar.gz</span><span>#tar -xf zabbix-2.2.10.tar.gz</span></code>

Create user account

<code><span>#groupadd zabbix</span><span>#useradd -g zabbix zabbix</span></code>

Create Zabbix database

For Zabbix server and proxy daemons, as well as Zabbix frontend, a database is required. It is not needed to run Zabbix agent.
SQL scripts are provided for creating database schema and inserting the dataset. Zabbix proxy database needs only the
schema while Zabbix server database requires also the dataset on top of the schema.

For example: config mysql

<code>shell> mysql -u<span>username</span>> -p<span>password</span>>
mysql> create database zabbix character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
mysql> quit;
shell> mysql -u<span>username</span>> -p<span>password</span>> zabbix <span>database</span>/<span>mysql</span>/<span>schema.sql</span>
# <span>stop</span><span>here</span><span>if</span><span>you</span><span>are</span><span>creating</span><span>database</span><span>for</span><span>Zabbix</span><span>proxy</span><span>shell</span>> mysql -u<span>username</span>> -p<span>password</span>> zabbix <span>database</span>/<span>mysql</span>/<span>images.sql</span><span>shell</span>> mysql -u<span>username</span>> -p<span>password</span>> zabbix <span>database</span>/<span>mysql</span>/<span>data.sql</span></code>

Having created a Zabbix database, proceed to the following steps of compiling Zabbix.

Configure the sources

When configuring the sources for a Zabbix server or proxy, you must specify the database type to be used. Only one database type can be compiled with a server or proxy process at a time.

To see all of the supported configuration options, inside the extracted Zabbix source directory run:

<code><span>#./configure --help</span></code>

To configure the sources for a Zabbix server and agent, you may run something like:


note: –with-libxml2 configuration option is required for virtual machine monitoring, supported since Zabbix 2.2.0.

To configure the sources for a Zabbix server (with PostgreSQL etc.), you may run:


To configure the sources for a Zabbix proxy (with SQLite etc.), you may run:


To configure the sources for a Zabbix agent, you may run:

<code><span>#./configure --enable-agent</span></code>

Make and install everything

<code><span>#make install</span></code>

This step should be run as a user with sufficient permissions (commonly ‘root’, or by using sudo).

Running make install will by default install the daemon binaries (zabbix_server, zabbix_agentd, zabbix_proxy) in /usr/local/sbin and the client binaries (zabbix_get, zabbix_sender) in /usr/local/bin.

To specify a different location than /usr/local, use a --prefix key in the previous step of configuring sources, for example --prefix=/home/zabbix. In this case daemon binaries will be installed under /sbin, while utilities under /bin. Man pages will be installed under /share.

Review and edit configuration files

  • edit the Zabbix agent configuration file /usr/local/etc/zabbix_agentd.conf
    You need to configure this file for every host with zabbix_agentd installed.

You must specify the Zabbix server IP address in the file. Connections from other hosts will be denied.

  • edit the Zabbix server configuration file /usr/local/etc/zabbix_server.conf
    You must specify the database name, user and password (if using any).

With SQLite the full path to database file must be specified; DB user and password are not required.

The rest of the parameters will suit you with their defaults if you have a small installation (up to ten monitored hosts). You should change the default parameters if you want to maximize the performance of Zabbix server (or proxy) though. See the performance tuning section for more details.

  • if you have installed a Zabbix proxy, edit the proxy configuration file /usr/local/etc/zabbix_proxy.conf

You must specify the server IP address and proxy hostname (must be known to the server), as well as the database name, user and password (if using any)

With SQLite the full path to database file must be specified; DB user and password are not required.

Start up the daemons

Run zabbix_server on the server side.


Make sure that your system allows allocation of 36MB (or a bit more) of shared memory, otherwise the server may not start and you will see “Cannot allocate shared memory for .” in the server log file. This may happen on FreeBSD, Solaris 8.
See the “See also” section at the bottom of this page to find out how to configure shared memory.

Run zabbix_agentd on all the monitored machines.


Make sure that your system allows allocation of 2MB of shared memory, otherwise the agent may not start and you will see “Cannot allocate shared memory for collector.” in the agent log file. This may happen on Solaris 8.

If you have installed Zabbix proxy, run zabbix_proxy.


Installing Zabbix web interface

Copying PHP files
Zabbix frontend is written in PHP, so to run it a PHP supported webserver is needed. Installation is done by simply copying the PHP files from frontends/php to the webserver HTML documents directory.

<code><span>#mkdir /var/www/html/zabbix</span><span>#cd frontends/php</span><span># cp -a . /var/www/html/zabbix</span></code>

Installing frontend

Step 1
In your browser, open Zabbix URL: http://<server_ip_or_name></server_ip_or_name>
You should see the first screen of the frontend installation wizard.

Step 2
Make sure that all software prerequisites are met.

    Current <span>value</span>   Required
PHP <span>version</span><span>5.5</span><span>.9</span>-<span>1</span>ubuntu4<span>.12</span><span>5.3</span><span>.0</span>   OK
PHP option memory_limit <span>128</span>M    <span>128</span>M    OK
PHP option post_max_size        <span>8</span>M  <span>16</span>M Fail
PHP option upload_max_filesize  <span>2</span>M  <span>2</span>M  OK
PHP option max_execution_time   <span>30</span><span>300</span> Fail
PHP option max_input_time       <span>60</span><span>300</span> Fail
PHP <span>time</span> zone                   unknown     Fail
PHP databases support           MySQL   OK
PHP bcmath                      <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span>
PHP mbstring                    <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span>
PHP sockets                     <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span>
PHP gd                          <span>2.1</span><span>.1</span><span>2.0</span> OK
PHP gd PNG support              <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span>
PHP gd JPEG support             <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span>
PHP gd FreeType support         <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span>
PHP libxml                      <span>2.9</span><span>.1</span><span>2.6</span><span>.15</span>  OK
PHP xmlwriter                   <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span>
PHP xmlreader                   <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span>
PHP ctype                       <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span>
PHP session                     <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span>
PHP session auto start          off off OK
PHP gettext                     <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span></code>


<code><span>#vim /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini</span><span>...</span><span>385</span><span>#max_execution_time = 30</span><span>386</span> max_execution_time = <span>300</span><span>396</span><span>#max_input_time = 60</span><span>397</span> max_input_time = <span>300</span><span>675</span><span>#post_max_size = 8M</span><span>676</span> post_max_size = 32M

 <span>883</span> date.timezone =<span>'Asia/Shanghai'</span></code>

make sure like this:

    Current <span>value</span>   Required
PHP <span>version</span><span>5.5</span><span>.9</span>-<span>1</span>ubuntu4<span>.12</span><span>5.3</span><span>.0</span>   OK
PHP option memory_limit <span>128</span>M    <span>128</span>M    OK
PHP option post_max_size        <span>32</span>M <span>16</span>M OK
PHP option upload_max_filesize  <span>2</span>M  <span>2</span>M  OK
PHP option max_execution_time   <span>300</span><span>300</span> OK
PHP option max_input_time       <span>300</span><span>300</span> OK
PHP <span>time</span> zone                   Asia/Shanghai   OK
PHP databases support           MySQL   OK
PHP bcmath                      <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span>
PHP mbstring                    <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span>
PHP sockets                     <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span>
PHP gd                          <span>2.1</span><span>.1</span><span>2.0</span> OK
PHP gd PNG support              <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span>
PHP gd JPEG support             <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span>
PHP gd FreeType support         <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span>
PHP libxml                      <span>2.9</span><span>.1</span><span>2.6</span><span>.15</span>  OK
PHP xmlwriter                   <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span>
PHP xmlreader                   <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span>
PHP ctype                       <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span>
PHP session                     <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span>
PHP session auto start          off off OK
PHP gettext                     <span><span>on</span><span>OK</span></span></code>

Step 3
Enter details for connecting to the database. Zabbix database must already be created.

Step 4
Enter Zabbix server details.

Step 5
Review a summary of settings.

Step 6
Download the configuration file and place it under conf/.

Step 7
Finish the installation.

Step 8
Zabbix frontend is ready! The default user name is Admin, password zabbix.


missing libmysqld-dev

<code><span>#./configure --enable-server --enable-agent --with-mysql --enable-ipv6 --with-net-snmp --with-libcurl --with-libxml2</span><span>...</span>checking <span>for</span> mysql_config... no
configure: error: MySQL <span>library</span> not found</code>


<code><span>#apt</span><span>-get</span> install <span>-y</span> libmysqld<span>-dev</span></code>

missing libxml2-dev

<code><span>#./configure --enable-server --enable-agent --with-mysql --enable-ipv6 --with-net-snmp --with-libcurl --with-libxml2</span><span>...</span>checking <span>for</span> xml2-config... no
configure: error: LIBXML2 <span>library</span> not found</code>


<code><span>#apt</span><span>-get</span> install <span>-y</span> libxml2<span>-dev</span></code>

missing libsnmp-dev

<code><span>#./configure --enable-server --enable-agent --with-mysql --enable-ipv6 --with-net-snmp --with-libcurl --with-libxml2</span><span>...</span>
checking <span>for</span> net-snmp-config... no
configure: error: Invalid Net-SNMP directory - unable to find net-snmp-config</code>


<code><span>#apt</span><span>-get</span> install libsnmp<span>-dev</span></code>

missing libcurl4-openssl-dev

<code><span>#./configure --enable-server --enable-agent --with-mysql --enable-ipv6 --with-net-snmp --with-libcurl --with-libxml2</span><span>...</span>checking <span>for</span> curl-config... no
configure: error: Curl <span>library</span> not found


<code><span>#apt</span><span>-get</span> install <span>-y</span> libcurl4<span>-openssl</span><span>-dev</span></code>

On the dashboard of zabbix, it’s display:

<code>"Zabbix server <span>is</span><span>not</span> running: the information displayed may <span>not</span><span>be</span> current."</code>


<code><span>#vim /var/www/html/zabbix/conf/zabbix.conf.php</span><span>$ZBX_SERVER</span>      = <span>'localhost'</span>;
> <span>$ZBX_SERVER</span>      = <span>''</span>; <span>#your ip address</span><span>#</span></code>


以上就介绍了deploy zabbix 2210 on ubuntu 1404 64bit,包括了方面的内容,希望对PHP教程有兴趣的朋友有所帮助。
