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she is my sin gtp smtp邮件发送一例

2016-07-29 08:34:431155浏览


$smtp=new smtp_class;
   "From: $from",
   "To: $to",
   "Subject: Testing Manuel Lemos' SMTP class"
  "Hello $to,\n\nIt is just to let you know that your SMTP class is working just fine.\n\nBye.\n"))
  echo "Message sent to $to OK.\n";
  echo "Cound not send the message to $to.\nError: ".$smtp->error."\n"

class smtp_class
var $host_name="";
var $host_port=25;
var $localhost="";
var $timeout=0;
var $error="";
var $debug=1;
var $esmtp=1;
var $esmtp_host="";
var $esmtp_extensi>var $maximum_piped_recipients=100;
/* private variables - DO NOT ACCESS */
var $state="Disconnected";
var $c>var $pending_recipients=0;
/* Private methods - DO NOT CALL */
Function OutputDebug($message)
  echo $message,"
Function GetLine()
    $this->error="reached the end of stream while reading from socket";
    $this->error="it was not possible to read line from socket";
   && substr($line,$length-2,2)=="\r\n")
     $this->OutputDebug("    return($line);
Function PutLine($line)
   $this->OutputDebug("> $line");
   $this->error="it was not possible to write line to socket";
Function PutData($data)
    $this->OutputDebug("> $data");
    $this->error="it was not possible to write data to socket";
Function VerifyResultLines($code,$resp>{
   $resp>  Unset($match_code);
    if(strcmp(strtok($line," -"),$match_code))
    $match_code=strtok($line," -");
     for($codes=0;$codes     if($codes>=count($code))
   if(!strcmp($match_code,strtok($line," ")))
Function FlushRecipients()
   if($this->VerifyResultLines("250")    return(0);
   if($this->VerifyResultLines(array("250","251"))    return(0);
/* Public methods */
Function Connect()
   $this->esmtp_extensi>  if(!($this->c ? fsockopen($this->host_name,$this->host_port,&$errno,&$error,$this->timeout) : fsockopen($this->host_name,$this->host_port))))
    case -3:
     $this->error="-3 socket could not be created";
    case -4:
     $this->error="-4 dns lookup on hostname \"".$host_name."\" failed";
    case -5:
     $this->error="-5 connection refused or timed out";
    case -6:
     $this->error="-6 fdopen() call failed";
    case -7:
     $this->error="-7 setvbuf() call failed";
     $this->error=$error." could not connect to the host \"".$this->host_name."\"";
   && !strcmp($localhost=getenv("SERVER_NAME"),"")
   && !strcmp($localhost=getenv("HOST"),""))
      $resp>      if($this->PutLine("EHLO $localhost")
      && $this->VerifyResultLines("250",&$responses)>0)
       $this->esmtp_host=strtok($responses[0]," ");
       for($resp>       {
        $extension=strtoupper(strtok($responses[$response]," "));
     && $this->PutLine("HELO $localhost")
     && $this->VerifyResultLines("250")>0)
    $this->c>    $this->state="Disconnected";
Function MailFrom($sender)
   $this->error="connection is not in the initial state";
  if(!$this->PutLine("MAIL FROM: "))
  && $this->VerifyResultLines("250")   return(0);
Function SetRecipient($recipient)
   case "SenderSet":
   case "RecipientSet":
    $this->error="connection is not in the recipient setting state";
  if(!$this->PutLine("RCPT TO:"))
   if($this->VerifyResultLines(array("250","251"))    return(0);
Function StartData()
   $this->error="connection is not in the start sending data state";
  if($this->VerifyResultLines("354")   return(0);
Function PrepareData($data,&$output)
  for($output="",$position=0;$position  {
   for($current=$position;$current   {
     case "\n":
      break 2;
     case "\r":
      break 2;
Function SendData($data)
   $this->error="connection is not in the sending data state";
Function EndSendingData()
   $this->error="connection is not in the sending data state";
  || $this->VerifyResultLines("250")   return(0);
Function ResetConnection()
   case "Connected":
   case "SendingData":
    $this->error="can not reset the connection while sending data";
   case "Disconnected":
    $this->error="can not reset the connection before it is established";
  || $this->VerifyResultLines("250")   return(0);
Function Disconnect($quit=1)
   $this->error="it was not previously established a SMTP connection";
  && $quit
  && (!$this->PutLine("QUIT")
  || $this->VerifyResultLines("221")   return(0);
  $this->c>  $this->state="Disconnected";
Function SendMessage($sender,$recipients,$headers,$body)
    for($recipient=0;$recipient    {
    && ($success=$this->StartData()))
     for($header_data="",$header=0;$header      $header_data.=$headers[$header]."\r\n";
   $disc>   if($success)

以上就介绍了she is my sin gtp smtp邮件发送一例,包括了she is my sin gtp方面的内容,希望对PHP教程有兴趣的朋友有所帮助。
