>在Laravel构建命令行工具时,常见的挑战之一是优雅地处理丢失或不正确的用户输入。 Laravel的提示formissingInput特征通过将标准工匠命令转换为交互式对话来解决这一问题。
><!-- Syntax highlighted by torchlight.dev -->use Illuminate\Console\Command; use Illuminate\Contracts\Console\PromptsForMissingInput; class PublishContent extends Command implements PromptsForMissingInput { protected $signature = 'content:publish {type} {status}'; protected function promptForMissingArgumentsUsing(): array { return [ 'type' => 'What type of content are you publishing?', 'status' => 'Should this be published as draft or live?' ]; } }
<!-- Syntax highlighted by torchlight.dev --><?php namespace App\Console\Commands; use Illuminate\Console\Command; use Illuminate\Contracts\Console\PromptsForMissingInput; class BackupDatabase extends Command implements PromptsForMissingInput { protected $signature = 'db:backup {connection? : Database connection to backup} {--tables=* : Specific tables to backup} {--compress : Compress the backup file}'; protected $description = 'Create a database backup'; protected function promptForMissingArgumentsUsing(): array { return [ 'connection' => fn () => choice( 'Which database connection should be backed up?', [ 'mysql' => 'MySQL Primary Database', 'sqlite' => 'SQLite Testing Database', 'pgsql' => 'PostgreSQL Analytics Database' ], 'mysql' ), '--tables' => fn () => multiChoice( 'Select tables to backup (leave empty for all):', $this->getAvailableTables() ), '--compress' => fn () => confirm( 'Would you like to compress the backup?', true ) ]; } private function getAvailableTables(): array { // Fetch tables from database return ['users', 'posts', 'comments', 'orders']; } public function handle() { $connection = $this->argument('connection'); $tables = $this->option('tables'); $compress = $this->option('compress'); $this->info("Starting backup of {$connection} database..."); // Backup logic here... } }