Grok是由埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)创立的人工智能公司Xai开发的高级AI模型。与许多主流语言模型不同,与Chatgpt(通过OpenAi)或Claude(通过人类)相比,Grok的响应量较小,其响应更加开放。它旨在提供无偏见的,寻求真理的AI体验,使其成为当今可用的最强大和最独特的大语言模型(LLM)之一。借助Grok 2之类的Grok模型,您可以探索视觉功能,文本到文本等等。像其前任一样,Grok 2也受过培训,可以进行动态的对话,回答复杂的问题,甚至在保持逻辑和基于事实的方法的同时产生创意内容。
grok-2是Elon Musk的Xai开发的Grok Chatbot的增强版。它旨在更具用户友好,适应能力,并精通回答问题,协助写作和应对编码挑战。
grok的发行3:为什么这会改变一切> grok-2-1212:
>动手grok 2模型
import os from openai import OpenAI From dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() GROK_API_KEY=os.getenv(“GROK_API_KEY”) client = OpenAI( api_key= GROK_API_KEY, base_url="", ) completion = model="grok-2-latest", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": "You are a Python progamminmg language expert."}, {"role": "user", "content": "How can a beginner read and parse a JSON file in Python? You can teach them using examples"}, ], ) print(completion.choices[0].message.content)grok 2输出的成本
To help a beginner read and parse a JSON file in Python, let's go through the process step-by-step with examples. We'll use the `json` module, which is part of Python's standard library, making it easy to work with JSON data. Here's how you can read and parse a JSON file: 1. First, we need to import the `json` module. 2. Then, we'll open the JSON file and use `json.load()` to parse its contents. 3. Finally, we can access and use the parsed data. Let's see this in action with an example: ```python # Import the json module import json # Open and read the JSON file with open('example.json', 'r') as file: # Parse the JSON data data = json.load(file) # Now we can work with the data print(data) # Accessing specific elements (assuming the JSON structure) print(data['name']) print(data['age']) # If it's a list of objects for item in data: print(f"Name: {item['name']}, Age: {item['age']}") ``` Let's break down what's happening: 1. We import the `json` module, which provides functions to work with JSON data. 2. We use a `with` statement to open the file. This ensures the file is properly closed after we're done with it. 3. We use `json.load(file)` to read and parse the JSON data from the file. This function automatically converts the JSON data into a Python object (usually a dictionary or a list). 4. After parsing, `data` now contains the JSON content as a Python object. We can print it or access its elements. 5. Depending on the structure of your JSON, you can access elements using dictionary syntax (`data['key']`) or list indexing. Here's an example of what the `example.json` file might look like: ```json { "name": "John Doe", "age": 30, "city": "New York" } ``` Or, if it's a list of objects: ```json [ {"name": "John Doe", "age": 30}, {"name": "Jane Smith", "age": 25} ] ``` For beginners, here are some important points to remember: - JSON files typically have a `.json` extension. - JSON data can be a single object (like a dictionary) or an array (like a list). - You need to know the structure of your JSON to access its elements correctly. - If you encounter errors, it's often because the JSON file is not properly formatted or you're trying to access elements that don't exist. To practice, beginners can create their own JSON files and try parsing them. They can also use online JSON validators to ensure their files are correctly formatted before attempting to parse them in Python.输入成本(提示令牌)
if completion.usage: print(completion.usage.to_json())
{<br>"completion_tokens": 713,<br>"prompt_tokens": 40,<br>"total_tokens": 753,<br>"prompt_tokens_details": {<br>"audio_tokens": 0,<br>"cached_tokens": 0,<br>"text_tokens": 40,<br>"image_tokens": 0<br>}<br>}>
因此,此请求的价格约为$ 0.00721(或约0.72美分)。
import os from openai import OpenAI From dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() GROK_API_KEY=os.getenv(“GROK_API_KEY”) client = OpenAI( api_key= GROK_API_KEY, base_url="", ) completion = model="grok-2-latest", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": "You are a Python progamminmg language expert."}, {"role": "user", "content": "How can a beginner read and parse a JSON file in Python? You can teach them using examples"}, ], ) print(completion.choices[0].message.content)
To help a beginner read and parse a JSON file in Python, let's go through the process step-by-step with examples. We'll use the `json` module, which is part of Python's standard library, making it easy to work with JSON data. Here's how you can read and parse a JSON file: 1. First, we need to import the `json` module. 2. Then, we'll open the JSON file and use `json.load()` to parse its contents. 3. Finally, we can access and use the parsed data. Let's see this in action with an example: ```python # Import the json module import json # Open and read the JSON file with open('example.json', 'r') as file: # Parse the JSON data data = json.load(file) # Now we can work with the data print(data) # Accessing specific elements (assuming the JSON structure) print(data['name']) print(data['age']) # If it's a list of objects for item in data: print(f"Name: {item['name']}, Age: {item['age']}") ``` Let's break down what's happening: 1. We import the `json` module, which provides functions to work with JSON data. 2. We use a `with` statement to open the file. This ensures the file is properly closed after we're done with it. 3. We use `json.load(file)` to read and parse the JSON data from the file. This function automatically converts the JSON data into a Python object (usually a dictionary or a list). 4. After parsing, `data` now contains the JSON content as a Python object. We can print it or access its elements. 5. Depending on the structure of your JSON, you can access elements using dictionary syntax (`data['key']`) or list indexing. Here's an example of what the `example.json` file might look like: ```json { "name": "John Doe", "age": 30, "city": "New York" } ``` Or, if it's a list of objects: ```json [ {"name": "John Doe", "age": 30}, {"name": "Jane Smith", "age": 25} ] ``` For beginners, here are some important points to remember: - JSON files typically have a `.json` extension. - JSON data can be a single object (like a dictionary) or an array (like a list). - You need to know the structure of your JSON to access its elements correctly. - If you encounter errors, it's often because the JSON file is not properly formatted or you're trying to access elements that don't exist. To practice, beginners can create their own JSON files and try parsing them. They can also use online JSON validators to ensure their files are correctly formatted before attempting to parse them in Python.
if completion.usage: print(completion.usage.to_json())
{<br>"completion_tokens": 713,<br>"prompt_tokens": 40,<br>"total_tokens": 753,<br>"prompt_tokens_details": {<br>"audio_tokens": 0,<br>"cached_tokens": 0,<br>"text_tokens": 40,<br>"image_tokens": 0<br>}<br>}
import os from openai import OpenAI from getpass import getpass XAI_KEY = getpass('Enter Grok API Key: ')
grok 2
os.environ['XAI_API_KEY'] = XAI_KEY image_url = ( "" ) client = OpenAI( api_key=XAI_KEY, base_url="", ) messages = [ { "role": "user", "content": [ { "type": "image_url", "image_url": { "url": image_url, "detail": "high", }, }, { "type": "text", "text": """Please provide a detailed description of the contents in this image, including any notable objects, colors, patterns, and the overall scene. If there are any texts or symbols, please transcribe or interpret them as well.""", }, ], }, ] completion = model="grok-2-vision-latest", messages=messages, temperature=0.01, ) print(completion.choices[0].message.content)
The image depicts a vibrant and lush savanna scene, showcasing a variety of<br> wildlife in their natural habitat. Here is a detailed description:<br><br>### Animals:<br><br>1. **Giraffes**: There are three giraffes in the image, standing tall with<br> their long necks and distinctive spotted patterns. Their colors are<br> primarily light brown with orange-brown patches. They are positioned towards<br> the center and right side of the image.<br><br>2. **Zebras**: Several zebras are present, identifiable by their black and <br>white striped patterns. They are scattered across the scene, with some<br> standing and others grazing. Their stripes create a striking contrast <br>against the green grass.<br><br>3. **Antelopes/Deer**: There are multiple antelopes or deer-like animals,<br> with slender bodies and light brown coats. Some have white underbellies and<br> legs. They are smaller in size compared to the giraffes and zebras, and are<br> seen grazing or standing around.<br><br>### Vegetation:<br><br>- **Grass**: The ground is covered with lush green grass, indicating a<br> healthy and vibrant ecosystem.<br><br>- **Bushes and Trees**: There are various green bushes and small trees<br> scattered throughout the scene. In the background, there are larger trees,<br> including one with a broad canopy on the left side of the image.<br><br>### Colors:<br><br>- **Green**: Dominant color due to the grass, bushes, and trees.<br><br>- **Brown**: Seen in the giraffes' patches, antelopes' coats, and some parts<br> of the zebras.<br><br>- **Black and White**: The zebras' stripes.<br><br>- **Orange**: Subtle tones in the giraffes' patches.<br><br>### Patterns:<br><br>- **Giraffe Spots**: Irregular, orange-brown patches on a light brown<br> background.<br><br>- **Zebra Stripes**: Bold, black and white stripes with varying thickness.<br><br>- **Antelope/Deer**: Light brown with white underbellies and legs.<br><br>### Overall Scene:<br><br>The scene is set in a savanna or grassland environment, typical of African<br> landscapes. The animals are coexisting peacefully, suggesting a harmonious<br> ecosystem. The lighting suggests it might be daytime, with natural sunlight<br> illuminating the scene, enhancing the vividness of the colors.<br><br>### Texts or Symbols:<br><br>There are no visible texts or symbols in the image.<br><br>This image captures the essence of wildlife in a natural setting,<br> highlighting the diversity and beauty of the animals and their environment.
if completion.usage: print(completion.usage.to_json())
{<br>"completion_tokens": 483,<br>"prompt_tokens": 820,<br>"total_tokens": 1303,<br>"prompt_tokens_details": {<br>"audio_tokens": 0,<br>"cached_tokens": 0,<br>"text_tokens": 52,<br>"image_tokens": 768<br>}<br>}随着Grok 3的发布即将来临,Xai迅速将自己定位为Openai,Google DeepMind和Anthropic的认真挑战者。如果Xai的庞大计算能力转化为优越的AI模型,则Grok可以在未来几年内主导AI空间。对于开发人员,企业家和人工智能爱好者而言,现在是时候开始使用Grok建造了。早期采用者将获得可能是最大的AI革命的主要优势。 >
>体验Xai Grok 3的力量,地球上最聪明的AI!参加我们的课程,以探索其开创性的功能并立即改变您的项目! 我希望您能找到有关Grok 2动手提供信息的文章。让我在下面的评论部分中知道您的想法。
以上是动手Grok 2模型:' Grok 2将是开源的”的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!