首页 >web前端 >js教程 >显示图像的缩略图上传Ajax/php


Lisa Kudrow
Lisa Kudrow原创
2025-03-04 01:09:13849浏览


显示图像的缩略图上传Ajax/php 更新18/11/2012:此上传的新版本现在在此处jQuery Ajax Image上传缩略图示例。 这就是您可以将文件/图像上传工具添加到您的表单中,并使Ajax用PHP存储文件,并将缩略图版本返回给用户以显示在表单上。好的。


  • >使用PHP使用AJAX来简化图像上传过程,允许实时缩略图预览,而无需重新加载页面。
  • >通过实现动态处理文件上传并立即显示缩略图预览的jQuery脚本来确保无缝的用户体验。
  • >
  • 合并PHP脚本以生成和返回JSON格式的缩略图URL,促进客户端轻松整合和操纵。
  • >
  • 在上传过程中提供全面的错误处理和用户反馈,以维持稳健的功能和用户参与。


  1. 用户从表单输入字段中选择一个文件/图像
  2. > jQuery发送带有文件/图像
  3. 的Ajax请求 PHP创建缩略图版本,并以JSON格式发回URL
  4. > jQuery在表单上显示缩略图

> jquery4u-file-uploader-thumbnail.zip
> doajaxfileupload.php
  • ajaxfileupload.php
  • > jquery.php
  • form-html.php
  • 下载源Filessee Live演示
  • jQuery代码 - jQuery.js

jQuery代码 - ajaxfileupload.js
</span><span>  JS - PREVIEW IMAGE
</span><span>function previewImage(str) {
</span>	<span>//alert(str);
</span>	<span>ajaxFileUpload();
<span>function removeImage() {
</span>	<span>//alert("Image Removed");
</span>	<span>$("#imagethumb").html('');
</span>	<span>$("#removebutton").hide();
</span>	<span>$("#supportedfiles").show();
</span>	<span>var tid = $("Input[name=allocatedimagename]").val();
</span>	<span>//remove the temporary image files created by the image
</span>	$<span>.get("/php/deleteblogthumb.php",{thumb_name: tid, type: 'js-blog'}, function(data){
</span>		<span>//alert(data);
</span>	<span>});
</span>	<span>$("Input[name=blogpic]").val('');
<span>function ajaxFileUpload() {
</span>    <span>//starting setting some animation when the ajax starts and completes
</span>    <span>$("#loading")
</span>    <span>.ajaxStart(function(){
</span>        <span>$(this).show();
</span>    <span>})
</span>    <span>.ajaxComplete(function(){
</span>        <span>$(this).hide();
</span>    <span>});
</span><span>        prepareing ajax file upload
</span><span>        url: the url of script file handling the uploaded files
</span><span>                    fileElementId: the file type of input element id and it will be the index of  $_FILES Array()
</span><span>        dataType: it support json, xml
</span><span>        secureuri:use secure protocol
</span><span>        success: call back function when the ajax complete
</span><span>        error: callback function when the ajax failed
</span><span>            */
</span>    $<span>.ajaxFileUpload
</span>    <span>(
</span>        <span>{
</span>            <span>url:'doajaxfileupload.php',
</span>            <span>secureuri:false,
</span>            <span>fileElementId:'blogpic',
</span>            <span>dataType: 'json',
</span>            <span>success: function (data<span>, status</span>)
</span>            <span>{
</span>                <span>if(typeof(data.error) != 'undefined')
</span>                <span>{
</span>                    <span>if(data.error != '')
</span>                    <span>{
</span>                        <span>alert(data.error);
</span>                    <span>}else
</span>                    <span>{
</span>                        <span>//alert(data.loc);
</span>                        <span>//show the preview of image
</span>						<span>var imageloc = '<span >Your uploaded image: <samp>'+data.name+'('+data.size+'kb)'+'</samp><br /><img  src="'+data.loc+'" height="40" width="40" alt="your uploaded image"/></span>';
</span>						<span>$("#imagethumb").html(imageloc); //add
</span>						<span>$("#removebutton").show();
</span>						<span>$("#supportedfiles").hide();
</span>						<span>//save the allocated image name for use with the process signup script
</span>						<span>$("Input[name=allocatedimagename]").val(data.loc);
</span>                    <span>}
</span>                <span>}
</span>            <span>},
</span>            <span>error: function (data<span>, status, e</span>)
</span>            <span>{
</span>                <span>alert(e);
</span>            <span>}
</span>        <span>}
</span>    <span>)
    <span>return false;

