in 丢失记录:Bloom&Rage的第十四章“打电话给朋友”,Swann可以打电话给三个朋友之一:Autumn,Nora或Kat。这个90年代孩子的怀旧场景突出了触摸电话的手动拨号。 对话会影响您与所选朋友的关系。本指南详细介绍了每个对话,概述了具有正面,负面或中性效果的选择。
Choice | Effect |
"I was scared when the power went out." | Positive |
"It felt like we were in a horror movie." | Neutral |
Choice | Effect |
"I'm proud of my video." | Positive |
"Thanks to you." | Positive |
Choice | Effect |
"I can't wait to see you." | Positive |
"I can't wait to shoot more footage." | Neutral |
>关于kat的秋天的秘密:Choice | Effect |
"Gross." | Neutral |
"That's hilarious." | Positive |
> 步行到机舱:
Choice | Effect |
"That's hilarious." | Negative |
"Her mom sounds mean." | Positive |
闭幕:“再见!”是中性的; “宝贝!”是积极的。
问候是中立的。 停电讨论:
Choice | Effect |
"That power outage was kind of exciting." | Negative |
"I was scared weren't you." | Positive |
Choice | Effect |
"Thanks to you!" | Positive |
"I'm proud of my video." | Neutral |
Choice | Effect |
"I can't wait to see you." | Positive |
"I can't wait to shoot more footage." | Negative |
秘密:拒绝八卦是负面的;关于秋天或kat的听力秘密是中性的。 有希望的保密是积极的;沉默是中性的。
> nora关于秋天的秘密:
>Choice | Effect |
"I bet you're right." | Positive |
"No way!" | Neutral |
>Choice | Effect |
"Is she okay?" | Neutral |
"Ew! That's crazy!" | Neutral |
Choice | Effect |
"I'll meet you there." | Negative |
"Yeah let's walk together." | Positive |
Choice | Effect |
"The power outage was crazy." | Positive |
"Weren't you scared?" | Negative |
Choice | Effect |
"Thanks to you!" | Neutral |
"I'm proud of my video." | Positive |
Choice | Effect |
"I can't wait to see you!" | Positive |
"I can't wait to shoot more footage." | Neutral |
> kat关于nora的秘密:>
Choice | Effect |
"She always stinks!" | Neutral |
"What?" | Neutral |
> kat关于秋天的秘密:>
Choice | Effect |
"I don't mean to ignore anyone." | Neutral |
"I don't always want to talk." | Positive |
Choice | Effect |
"I'll meet you there." | Negative |
"Yeah let's walk together." | Positive |
Choice | Effect |
"Yes! A little bit." | Positive |
"Nah, I'm excited to see her." | Neutral |