<code class="language-php"><?php namespace Model; interface PostInterface { public function setId($id); public function getId(); public function setTitle($title); public function getTitle(); public function setContent($content); public function getContent(); public function setComment(CommentInterface $comment); public function setComments(array $comments); public function getComments(); }</code>
<code class="language-php"><?php namespace Model; class Post implements PostInterface { protected $id; protected $title; protected $content; protected $comments = array(); public function __construct($title, $content, array $comments = array()) { $this->setTitle($title); $this->setContent($content); if (!empty($comments)) { $this->setComments($comments); } } public function setId($id) { if ($this->id !== null) { throw new BadMethodCallException( "The ID for this post has been set already."); } if (!is_int($id) || $id throw new InvalidArgumentException( "The post ID is invalid."); } $this->id = $id; return $this; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function setTitle($title) { if (!is_string($title) || strlen($title) || strlen($title) > 100) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "The post title is invalid."); } $this->title = htmlspecialchars(trim($title), ENT_QUOTES); return $this; } public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } public function setContent($content) { if (!is_string($content) || strlen($content) throw new InvalidArgumentException( "The post content is invalid."); } $this->content = htmlspecialchars(trim($content), ENT_QUOTES); return $this; } public function getContent() { return $this->content; } public function setComment(CommentInterface $comment) { $this->comments[] = $comment; return $this; } public function setComments(array $comments) { foreach ($comments as $comment) { $this->setComment($comment); } return $this; } public function getComments() { return $this->comments; } }</code>
Post 类的驱动是简单的逻辑,归结为定义一些基本帖子条目的数据和行为。它应该很容易理解。现在让我们通过向其中添加一个类来使模型稍微胖一些,该类生成与特定博客条目关联的评论。它的契约和实现如下所示:
<code class="language-php"><?php namespace Model; interface CommentInterface { public function setId($id); public function getId(); public function setContent($content); public function getContent(); public function setAuthor($author); public function getAuthor(); }</code>
<code class="language-php"><?php namespace Model; class Comment implements CommentInterface { protected $id; protected $content; protected $author; public function __construct($content, $author) { $this->setContent($content); $this->setAuthor($author); } public function setId($id) { if ($this->id !== null) { throw new BadMethodCallException( "The ID for this comment has been set already."); } if (!is_int($id) || $id throw new InvalidArgumentException( "The comment ID is invalid."); } $this->id = $id; return $this; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function setContent($content) { if (!is_string($content) || strlen($content) throw new InvalidArgumentException( "The content of the comment is invalid."); } $this->content = htmlspecialchars(trim($content), ENT_QUOTES); return $this; } public function getContent() { return $this->content; } public function setAuthor($author) { if (!is_string($author) || strlen($author) throw new InvalidArgumentException( "The author is invalid."); } $this->author = $author; return $this; } public function getAuthor() { return $this->author; } }</code>
与 Post 一样,Comment 类也很简单。但是现在有了这两个类,我们可以使用该模型。例如:
<code class="language-php"><?php use LibraryLoaderAutoloader, ModelPost, ModelComment; require_once __DIR__ . "/Library/Loader/Autoloader.php"; $autoloader = new Autoloader; $autoloader->register(); $post = new Post( "A sample post.", "This is the content of the post." ); $post->setComments(array( new Comment( "One banal comment for the previous post.", "A fictional commenter"), new Comment( "Yet another banal comment for the previous post.", "A fictional commenter") )); echo $post->getTitle() . " " . $post->getContent() . "<br>"; foreach ($post->getComments() as $comment) { echo $comment->getContent() . " " . $comment->getAuthor() . "<br>"; }</code>
这确实像魅力一样有效!使用该模型是一个相当简单的过程,需要您首先创建一些 Post 对象,然后使用相关的评论对其进行填充。是的,生活甜蜜美好。好吧,到目前为止是这样,但情况肯定可以更好!我不是想破坏如此美好的时刻的魔力,但我必须承认,每次看到 Post 和 Comment 类的实现时,我都会感到一阵轻微的寒意。虽然这本身并不是一个严重的问题,但某些方法(例如 setId() 和 setContent())表现出代码重复的典型症状。由于一些逻辑问题,在不粗心大意的情况下解决这个问题并不像乍一看那样直观。首先,尽管它们彼此之间存在语义关系,但每个类实际上都对不同类型的对象进行建模。其次,它们实现不同的接口,这意味着很难抽象出逻辑,而不会最终得到一个笨拙的层次结构,其中“IS-A”条件永远不成立。特别是在这种情况下,我们可以采取更宽松的方法,并将 Post 和 Comment 视为高度通用的 AbstractEntity 超类型的子类型。这样做,将共享实现放在抽象类的边界内会非常简单,因此使子类型的定义更加精简。由于整个抽象过程只在领域层进行,因此假设的 AbstractEntity 将被视为……是的,您猜对了,一个层超类型。简单但不错,对吧?
(由于篇幅限制,此处省略了剩余代码和解释。 请注意,原文的代码示例很长,翻译和概括所有代码会使答案过于冗长。 核心思想是通过创建 AbstractEntity
超类来提取 Post
和 Comment
(此处也省略了原文的 FAQ 部分,因为其内容是对文章核心思想的重复和扩展,翻译全部内容会使答案过于冗长。 核心思想已在以上翻译中充分体现。)