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Fortnite:第6章,第2季 - 每周任务指南

Lisa Kudrow
Lisa Kudrow原创
2025-02-22 10:33:11588浏览

Fortnite第6章,第2季:犯罪城抢劫指南 - 周零任务

在Fortnite的新季节,犯罪城市规则! 随着战利品的溢出,金库溢出,银行抢劫是一天的命令。 不过,在成为大师罪犯之前,零周的任务将帮助您学习本赛季激动人心的机制的绳索。

Fortnite: Chapter 6, Season 2 - Weekly Quest Guide

无论您是要破解保险箱,收集恩赐还是与老板作斗争,这些任务为成功铺平了道路。需要一个开始吗?本指南提供了您在不被空手而归的情况下统治Fortnite的最新赛季所需的一切。 我们将每周更新本指南!


Fortnite: Chapter 6, Season 2 - Weekly Quest Guide


Quest Completion Guide Reward
Collect 800 Bars inside a Bank Vault Bank Vaults are marked on your map with vault icons. Use Thermite to breach them and collect the gold Bars. 30K XP
Receive two gifts from characters in a single match Interact with NPCs to receive gifts, or hire them. 30K XP
Eliminate three opponents outside Named Locations Named Locations are labeled on the map. Eliminate opponents outside these areas. 30K XP
Deal 500 damage to bosses Bosses are frequently found at vault locations. 30K XP
Collect ten Boons or Medallions Purchase Boons at the Black Market; Medallions are boss drops. 30K XP

以上是Fortnite:第6章,第2季 - 每周任务指南的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!
