>在杯子中,收集硬币与游戏本身一样具有挑战性! 这些硬币对于升级武器和魅力的武器库至关重要,为您提供了与游戏臭名昭著的艰难老板的战斗机会。尽管在整个世界各地都巧妙地隐藏了一些硬币,但大多数硬币是通过征服苛刻的跑步和枪支水平而获得的。 战略硬币支出是关键 - 不要浪费您来之不易的战利品!
这个全面的指南揭示了每个硬币在 :>本指南已彻底更新了详细的表格和图像,以帮助您轻松地在“ Overworld”中找到所有硬币和跑步和枪支水平。 我们还提供了击败国王飞跃中击败硬币奖励老板的专家技巧。
总共拥有56个硬币:40个基础游戏中的硬币,另外16个添加了16个, 美味的最后一门课程 这些硬币是在没有跑步和枪支水平的情况下获得的。 它们隐藏了,需要敏锐的观察和与NPC的战略互动。 在这里可以找到它们:掌握Overworld硬币位置
Isle Image How To Find
Inkwell Isle 1
Atop a cube in the tutorial level.
Inkwell Isle 1 Received from Mac (the apple NPC) after a conversation.
Inkwell Isle 1 Behind Chip after defeating all bosses on Inkwell Isle One.
Inkwell Isle 2 Received from Ginger after a specific sequence of actions (see guide for details).
Inkwell Isle 2 Received from Buster after performing 4 consecutive parries.
Inkwell Isle 2 Hidden behind the last green cabin on the island.
Inkwell Isle 3 Hidden behind a ticket booth-like structure.
Inkwell Isle 3 Hidden behind a dice wall near the casino.
Inkwell Isle 4 Received from Buckley after a conversation.
Inkwell Isle 4 After completing the 'Recipe For Ms. Chalice' tutorial.
Inkwell Isle 4 At the back of the Bakery, down a hidden path.
>三个主要小岛都有两个跑步和枪支水平,每个岛都包含五个硬币。 这些表详细介绍了他们的位置:
(森林愚蠢的表格,树梢麻烦,Funfair Fever,Funhouse Frazzle,Rugged Ridge和危险的码头将在此处插入,反映了原始输入的结构和内容,但对于票房目的而有轻微的措辞变化由于长度,这些表被省略了,但将包含在完全响应中。) 国王的飞跃硬币挑战
>位于Inkwell Isle Four(
Name | Image | Combat Tips | Reward |
The Pawns | Anticipate their jumps and parries. | 2 coins | |
The Knight | Parry the helmet for damage. | 2 coins | |
The Bishop | Strategic parrying and candle extinguishing. | 2 coins | |
The Rook | Parry and redirect heads towards the Rook. | 2 coins | |
The Queen | Precise cannon parries and egg avoidance. | 3 coins |