狙击精英:阻力提供了许多通过多种方法获得的可解锁物品:广告系列的进步,误解发现或独特的杀伤目标消除。 但是,技能点的获取保持一致。
升级后,技能点将被授予。您的级别显示在用户名下方的暂停菜单的顶部。每个级别都会授予一个技能点。 升级需要赚取XP。
通过完成任务目标(主和侧),消除杀戮目标并简单地杀死纳粹,XP是通过完成任务目标而获得的。 在其他游戏模式中完成目标也授予XP。 XP奖励因杀戮方法而异。比简单的车身更熟练的杀戮(例如,心脏射击与幽灵杀死相结合)产生的XP多。 杀人距离和纳粹类型等因素也会影响XP的收益。
>花费您的技能点,暂停游戏并导航到“技能”部分(屏幕的最左侧,“选项”和“地图”之间)。 “广告系列与合作技能”屏幕允许自动技能分配或手动选择。 在所有模式中都赢得了技能点,但必须分别应用。
Skill | Description |
Back In The Fight | Use a Med Kit to self-revive. |
Grenade Throwback | Throw back live grenades that land nearby. |
No Time To Bleed | Use your secondary weapon while downed. |
Triangulation | Tags enemies when they damage you. |
Steady Hand | Reduces scope sway when taking damage. |
Quick Trap (2 skill points) | Quickly deploy traps, unseen by enemies. |
Combat Medic (2 skill points) | Use all bandages to self-revive instead of a Med Kit. |
Advanced Triangulation (2 skill points) | Tags enemies when they shoot at you. |
Swift Hands (2 skill points) | Automatically search enemies after a takedown. |
Skill | Description |
Scavenge Weapon Ammo | Take ammo from dropped weapons. |
Extra Item Slot I | Gain an extra item slot. |
Carry More Decoys | Carry more decoys and bottles. |
Carry More Explosives | Carry more TNT and grenades. |
Carry More Traps | Carry more Schu-Mines and Teller Mines. |
Extra Item Slot II (2 skill points) | Gain another extra item slot. |
Pistol Special Ammo (2 skill points) | Carry a second type of special ammo for your pistol. |
Secondary Special Ammo (2 skill points) | Carry a second type of special ammo for your secondary weapon. |
Rifle Special Ammo (2 skill points) | Carry a second type of special ammo for your rifle. |
Skill | Description |
Maintain Focus | Extends the Focus effect duration based on usage time. |
Cardio | Reduces heart rate increase from sprinting. |
Focus Range | Increases the range of your Focus. |
Health Boost I | Gains an extra health segment. |
Speedy Recovery | Speeds up health recovery. |
Deep Breath (2 skill points) | Reduces heart rate increase from emptying your lungs. |
Focus Movement (2 skill points) | Move faster while in Focus. |
Health Boost II (2 skill points) | Gains another extra health segment. |
Stabilized (2 skill points) | Reduces heart rate while using bandages or Med Kits. |
以上是狙击精英:阻力 - 如何解锁技能Points的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!